View Full Version : Advice please on Citalopram

14-09-08, 21:33
Hi all i am new to this site and would welcome some advice please. About 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with depression (first time in my life) and was prescribed Citalopram. After looking at it for almost a week since reading about the side effects i decided to take the plunge. I took 1 20g tablet for 2 days and felt awful,cold sweats,panic attacks,etc so decided just to take half a tablet from fhen on.My problem is that after being signed off work for a month i am pretty sure my GP will say i am now fit to return . (my appointments on wednesday) and the thought of returning fills me with dread. I am not workshy and this is the longest time i have ever been off work in my life (I am 62) I have read on some forums that after being on Citalopram for only 2 weeks most people are well on the road to recovery .Why dont i feel that way ?

eternally optimistic
14-09-08, 21:43

I was off work last year and was prescribed citalopram too.

It took longer for me to feel different, but other people said I was more relaxed than they had ever seen me.

Be honest with your Doc and say that you cant cope with work. I did that and he signed me off for a further 2 weeks. I went back because I had to get back into the habit of things.

Take a list of things that are affecting your day and Im sure they will undersetand.


14-09-08, 22:09
Hiya hun, it can take up to 6 wks for the meds to start working for you
and during that time you may suffer some of the side effects listed
when you see your doc be honest and say you dont feel ready to go to work just yet and need more time.
also tell him about the side effects that the meds are giving you and see if he can help

welcome to NMP as well its lovely to have you here.

14-09-08, 22:10
hi, the first anti depressant i was ever put on was citalopram and thats when my anxiety got worse, i had it for a few weeks to try it and see if the side effects would calm down and i too got the night tremors, terrible nightmares, cold sweats and hurrendous panic! i came off those and was given sertraline and the side effects on that werent half as bad but it didnt control my anxiety and i was on it so long i developed psychosis and ocd .. i am now on escitalopram and its workin for me, its been 2 yrs tho on these and the doc wants me to come off but im too scared, he has not been helpful at all and neither have any docs at te docs surgery i have been fobbed off for 6yrs and just want to be better, i dont want drugs anymore .. i wana b a normal 22 yr old mother, not this, it has taken over my life and i wana fight it without pills but im too scared of bein any worse than i already am!! wot do i do??
Thinks xx

milly jones
15-09-08, 17:35
a wonderful welcome to no more panic

glad u decided to join us

in my experience of ssris it takes longer than a couple of weeks to feel the benefits, and u have to persevere thru the side effects hun

love from

milly xx:hugs:

milly jones
15-09-08, 18:35
mine took 3 months for the hosp to get dose right, but i felt different after about 6 weeks. the side effects generally last about 2 weeks, and u do get a bit of recurrance when the dose it changed but nothing like when u first take them.

this has been my experience anyway

i would add that side effects for me are far more preferable to the horrendous anx/dep i was struggling with


milly xx

15-09-08, 18:44
Thanks again Milly. So helpful ! xxxx

15-09-08, 20:19
To everyone who replied to my post, thanks for the advice.:bighug1:

15-09-08, 23:06
Hi all, got appointment with doc on wednesday,hope to get sorted out .
Still miserable,dont want to see people and thoroughly fed up with myself !

eternally optimistic
16-09-08, 13:56
Good luck with appointment.


16-09-08, 14:20
Thanks Jay Ann xxxx:)