View Full Version : tickle

15-09-08, 00:59
PLEASE tell me someone in here experiences the same thing as me becase its freaking me out, I keep getting this tickle feeling in my belly button taht makes me naseous and its so weird like i have never had this, i asked the doctor and he laughed ahaha, like and it lasts for like hours its so weird does anyone get it or do i just have some weird belly button disease

15-09-08, 01:06
Could be bellybutton fluff.
Try cleaning your bellybutton out with an old toothbrush.

15-09-08, 01:10
but why would it make me naseaus its like a weird feeling i cant describe it

15-09-08, 01:18
The umbelical cord is where all the nutrients are absorbed when you are in the womb, so it's possible that some bellybutton fluff has become mouldy and infected, and the toxins are being absorbed into your system, making you nauseous.

What colour is your bellybutton fluff?

15-09-08, 01:19
umm hold on i dont even have any

15-09-08, 01:20
and it also makes me need to pee

15-09-08, 01:26
umm hold on i dont even have any

Probably all been absorbed. Do you have a 'inny' or an 'outie'? :shades: :shrug:
Try putting a sticking-plaster over it, to stop the fluff accumulating.

15-09-08, 01:28
an innie is that bad am i going to die

15-09-08, 05:55
i think i have figured out what it is, i have been a little irregular on the number 2's latley and the gas, and it seems to act up when i have a bunch of gas in there cuz i let one go and it went away weird

15-09-08, 17:12
Having an innie doesn't mean you're gonna die. Anyway I think I know what you might have and I sometimes get it too...also, try to get some fiber in your so you can be regular and get rid of this gas.

You don't have a weird bellybutton disease!!

16-09-08, 00:57
well ahhh i went to the doctor today to ask because it was driving me insane and before i went this morning i was looking at my belly button becuase it hurt if i touched it cuz i kept playing with it when i had the tickle and i looked in and there was a relli dark red line in one part of my belly button he said its like a little fissure or something with an f and its not big deal but it hurts to touch my belly button i find it so odd ahah