View Full Version : Another one with twitches and jerks - please help

15-09-08, 10:23
Hi all

My first post here.
I have been suffering from quite bad health anxiety since end of MAy (averaging about 2 panic attacks a week), always fear that i have a terrible disease. My symptoms tend to come and go, just when one ache has gone, another tingle appears and so on, i just want to wake up and feel normal!!
Anyway, I have had the odd twitch over the past few months but it seems that lately i have loads of little ones in my feet, lower leg area like a little pulsating feeling. My limbs also jerk, this is especially obvious when i go to bed at night. I have also had some heat sensations which come and go. The twitching feeling tends to go after a while at night but then as soon as i start walking around again i and then rest for a minute i can feel my feet pulsating away in different areas. I have a thyroid problem and know that this can cause this but i am starting to get really worried, can this be down to my intense anxiety over the past few months. I have a 5 month old daughter and am not getting hardly enough sleep what with her and my anxieties. Please tell me that some of you get this as well???


15-09-08, 14:50
Hi Meemo,

I have had this problem too, and you will find loads of other people post about it too. It is anxiety related, and I was much more aware of them when trying to relax. There is a good post with information about it on page 6 by Henry Rollins. Try to ignore the twitches, because they are nothing to worry about, and will subside in their own time.:hugs:

15-09-08, 16:01
thanks for the reply, did youever experience patches of skin feeling like they suddenly got really hot and then fade again though???

15-09-08, 16:46
Hi Meemo,

I haven't been especially aware of patches of skin feeling really hot, but I do know when feeling anxious every sensation in the body seems to be heightened - and it is really difficult to tell whether the sensation is real or imagined, or over emphasised. It is extremely difficult to ignore these sensations, but if you can try to distract yourself you may find you become less aware of them, and it is then easier to understand that it is likely to be an anxiety induced feeling.

15-09-08, 16:59
Meemo-- I have had patches of skin feeling hot or cold suddenly...it's usually on my feet.

15-09-08, 17:11
thanks yanksforever and rosie, i am going around and around in circles in my head about this, it is just anxiety/it is ms it is just anxiety/it is ms and so on day in day out. it really gets to you all this worrying doesn't it.

thanks again

15-09-08, 20:25
I have lots of twitching mostly in my leg and eye. Also i have hot senstations there normally on the top of my head. x