View Full Version : Just want some time out

15-09-08, 11:53
I m a single mother who's youngest child will be 12 in October. New government legislation states that I will now have to work. I would love to as I get very bored during the days but the reality is I am completely terrfied! I find it so hard to chat to people I don't know and usually end up making a fool of myself which I then go over and over in my mind, driving myself up the wall!
This has been an awful year already with my sister passing away with cancer, I was with her when she went and it's been a real struggle to deal with, we were very close, she was one of the very few people that I could totally relax with.
I'd like to be able to ask the doctor for help but don't know where to begin! I have taken St Johns Wort for years and it's been fine, but, just lately it's not been much help. Also, the female doctor I've had and liked for a few years is leaving the practice!
I just want everything to stop for a while so I can try to get my head together but of course, it can't.

15-09-08, 12:06
I completely understand how you're feeling Twilly, its as if everything is just too much trouble!

I'd definately go and see your doctor, tell him/her how you're feeling - it can only help ;)

Hope 2
15-09-08, 14:13
Hey Twilly

You will be able to use NMP as a 'shoulder', it's fab here when you need a friend, one who understands ! You lost one of those special people in your sister from what you said. I am so sorry she has gone, life can be so cruel and unfair.

I am glad you joined, we tend to help each other as much as poss. So welcome to you xx I have recently gone back to work after seven years, and although it was so daunting, it was the best risk I ever took methinks. I understand how scary it is for you.

I defo think it is a good idea to visit yr GP too, just tell them exactly how u feel xx

Hope xx

15-09-08, 14:43
can you go on disability?