View Full Version : So very scared :(

15-09-08, 12:00

I have made a few post about some problems of mine lately. I had an 'episode' when I was falling back to sleep in the early hours of the morning a month ago where I had a massive wave of nausea sweep through my body, followed by a tingling sensation sweep through one side of my body. I then got up and had the shakes for a while but I am not sure if that was part of what had happened, or because of what happened. The nausea/tingling probably lasted about 30 seconds and the shakes about 5-10 minutes.

I went to the hospital the next day, and had some blood tests done as well as a head CT which was clear. The dr's at the hospital mentioned a TIA but said highly unlikely, and more likely a migraine (even though I never got the headache).

I was referred to a neurologist. I had a MRI down, and EEG and a carotid ultrasound all came back fine. The neuro thinks it was just anxiety.

I have had a few similar episodes, all of a night time. I am just having a hard time coming to terms that it was an anxiety attack (never had one before) and not a TIA. I am so very scared the Dr's are brushing me off as I am only 30. And so very scared that I am going to drop dead or be seriously paralysed by a full stroke.

If I had the tingling on both sides of my body, I could almost believe it was an anxiety attack, but just one?

I am finding it very hard to cope and to think about anything else. I hope someone can help me please.


15-09-08, 12:32
hey sam,
sorry things are not goin good. im 25 and just about a month ago i had my first anxiety attack ever. my whole body was tingily all over and i was shaking all over also thought i was having a stroke or heart attack. docs did all kinds of tests and told me it was anxity. i had a hard time believing it was just anxiety. now i get something everyday it feels like. your symptoms sound like mine. anxiety can do some crazy things huh.
i know your scared but your gonna be just fine. if it was something serious the doctors would have found it with all the tests they did! i dont think the doctors would brush you off.
hope this helped
take care sam, your gonna be fine!:)

15-09-08, 22:58
Thank you, I hope you are right

Cathy V
15-09-08, 23:07
Hi Sam. Please try not to worry about the TIA (transient ischaemic attack) if you were having these they would happen randomly and not only at night. I know its hard for you to think that these episodes are anxiety linked but it is the most likely senario...anx can strike very badly at night coz this is the time your body and your mind are trying to wind down, but of courese for alot of ppl with anx it wont let us wind down and sends us all sorts of wierd sensations.

It sounds like youve had a thorough exam by the docs and neurologist (i saw one last year too and also had an artery scan which was fine) so try not to worry too much...easier said yeah i know, i know.

Best wishes anyway
Cathy xxx

16-09-08, 01:10
Hi Sam

When i experience a panic attack i get the tingling in one side too,if they have run tests and given you the all clear put some belief in them and try to accept it was an anxiety attack and the more you have the more you will see the pattern of the symptoms will be the same which will almost make you accept this is what you have experienced. Hang in there honey x

17-09-08, 07:34
Thanks ladies