View Full Version : Update on the 'lump' saga

15-09-08, 12:15
Hi there...

Just thought I would let you know that my blood tests were all normal - what a relief!

She asked me to go back in a couple of months and the she will check that they are still ok. I asked her if it was ok to have these lumps permamently, she said yes so long as they do not change. Obviously there is that flicker of 'oh no another period of waiting and get symptons etc etc' - BUT NOT THIS TIME - NOT EVEN GOING THERE!!!! I am in no doubt this new resolve will be tested.

Even though I was worried about going today, thanks to this site I entered the doctors surgery with a much more rational anxiety.

I explained to the doctor that I have gained a much deeper understanding and insight into this whole anxiety thing and this has been such an eye opener. I admitted that it is hard to accept reassurance etc and the temptation is to find something else. She was so sweet, she said it is good to be body aware, but the panic is so destructive. I will therefore listen to my body but not let my mind diagnose!!!!

Tomorrow I go to be assessed for councelling, hope I can articulate effectively and get the right treatment and ensure my mind does not give into temptation.

Thank you so much to everyone here - I am so glad I am a memeber and can not wait till I am allowed in the chat rooms.

Just wanted to say one more thing - even though 'googling' is against HA law - it did get me here, and for that I am grateful.

Would love to hear from more of you

R x

Cathy V
15-09-08, 12:20
Well done you. Small steps...

Cathy V xxx :)

15-09-08, 12:21
Congratulations rebecca! What a relief and great to hear you sounding so determined - you go girl!

15-09-08, 12:33
glad to hear it:)

15-09-08, 12:50
Thank you for your replies

Still in shock that people are interested and understand....



15-09-08, 15:27
Well done, you must be so pleased with yourself for having such a positive attitude. :-)

Take Care x

15-09-08, 18:59
Absolutely brilliant news....yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!
And a big well done for getting through it.....
Guess thats two of us with good news today, the mark on my gum is nothing to worry about at all its just pigmentation the dentist said....
So I am gonna try and kick this anxiety in the butt!!!!
You are right it absolutely drains you, both physically and mentally, I feel absolutley exhausted, and hope to get a good nights sleep tonight.
I sure hope you do to.
So glad to here you are getting some councelling over this, maybe it will help to manage thoughts better as you said...
I may try it myself...
Also internet googling is also a no no for me now, but I know I would just think " I will just have a peek" but NO NO NO!!!!!!!!
Sure glad I did though as like you I wouldnt have been on here and got the help....
Anyways I do hope you stick around on here, its always good to talk....
sam x