View Full Version : Always ill!

15-09-08, 14:48
For some reason I always seem to be ill and I wondered if anyone else gets this too?
I suffer anxiety and get very stressed quite a lot, but I always end up with every cough, cold and splutter going!
I got tonsilitis the other day and ended up with such a fever I ended up fainting in a shop!
Now I have a sore throat and a bad headache so yet again I seem to be going down with another bug!
I don't eat badly, I take a multivitamin, and I don't drink or smoke, am not unfit, so I don't know why I am always ill, but it is getting me down.

I think the anxiety makes my immunity low, what does everyone else think?
Does anyone else get this? And any tips to help?
Thanks guys!


15-09-08, 15:05
Hi there, and yeah you are correct in saying that anxiety can make us feel run down and effect our immune system but i am always sure to visit my g.p whenever new symptoms arise. If i was in your shoes i would ask my doctor to run blood tests for glandular fever as you do seem to be displaying signs of this. Sore throat, high temp, fainting, cold and flu like symptoms, tiredness and generally run down. I had it as a teenager and your symptoms sound quite familiar.

Take my advice and don't put it all down to anxiety- it wont hurt to make an appointment with your G.P
Take care chuck x:bighug1:

chicken licken
15-09-08, 15:15
Yep !

right now too...
I get so cross with my self and end up feeling embarrased about pipeing up that I feel unwell as I think everyone must be thinking 'here she goes again'

I swear I do it to myself on purpose , like my body is in a conspiracy with its self!
Its like every time I need to do something or go some where or do anything other than sit on my backside I suddenly will feel ill..... I feel like Im so lazy because of it, Like its brought on unconciously to avoid doing stuff like housework ..shopping . Im fed up fed up fed up !!!

I get so frustrated as part of me knows its in my head and most likely panic related the other half of me is still feeling ill , and really do feel ill ...

and like you I feel physically ill ill, virus ill ill ! ... not the same as my panic symptoms, (even though it probably is all related)
I 'll get a cold and sore throat , stomach ache....headache..... anything going around (or not going around) basicaly and a lot.

Ive started taking zinc and vitamin b with other multivitamins as a substitute at the moment to try to boost my immunity,

I get confused as whether to belive my self at times or if It is low immunity each time

29-09-08, 12:53
i think anxiety is to blame. i hadnt been sick in years until i started having pA's a few months ago.......i have had all kinds since then, tonsilitis sinusitis etc it seems like one things after another. I am 23 size 8, dont smoke, eat healthy so i cant see any other reason apart from anxiety! im fed up cos ive lost so much money as my job dont pay sick pay booohooo

29-09-08, 14:36
I too feel nauseous all the time!!...latley its cant even think of food or i will vommit.....going on 1 week now.....im convinced its something far worse!!!!....my doctor wont take me seriously anymore either...he always says its stress and anxiety....i havent eaten in 3 days!!......could this be stress..really??..or could it be something worse??......
i went back on my paxel today, and i have an appointment with my therapist......
has the nausea thing happened to anyone else due to anxiety ever??? please reassure me ..im going crazy!!:weep:

29-09-08, 15:04
i know what your going threw as im sure so do many other's ... im always getting colds and im always getting sick.. and it sucks! i know it gets you down :weep: it does me to somtimes just stay strong! you will get threw this! :hugs:

29-09-08, 15:19
I too feel nauseous all the time!!...latley its cant even think of food or i will vommit.....going on 1 week now.....im convinced its something far worse!!!!....my doctor wont take me seriously anymore either...he always says its stress and anxiety....i havent eaten in 3 days!!......could this be stress..really??..or could it be something worse??......
i went back on my paxel today, and i have an appointment with my therapist......
has the nausea thing happened to anyone else due to anxiety ever??? please reassure me ..im going crazy!!:weep:

It is anxiety, I feel sick all the time now. When I first got diagnosed I had stopped eating due to nausea, then when I would force myself to eat I would vomit. I went from a size 12 to a size 6 I was skeletal, then I thought I was going to die of starvation. Now I am abit obsessive about food, I get scared I will get like that again. I hope you feel better soon, try eating little and often a big amount of food put in front of you will only make you feel worse.

29-09-08, 15:36
thank you, I was diagnosed with anxiety 2 years ago..though i have suffered for 4 years now, at first it was just tight chest, sweaty palms, pain etc....
now that its getting worse...i fear its all medical.....every twinge..i have developed ibs due it i think.....when i get more stressed out its more active...does that make sense?.....i know i should think positive...easier said than done right?.....i know i will get through this.....i have a 2 year old son and i dont wanna miss out on his life cause of constant stupid worrying thats all done to myself!!!!!
why do ppl get anxiety disorders?...or will i find out why in therapy? (going today) i though maybe it was from the abusive realationship i was in for 4 years when i was 15.....
So u had nausea all day every day??? cause thats like mine too then....it never subsides even with pepto,.....im losing weight too.....

29-09-08, 16:38
So u had nausea all day every day??? cause thats like mine too then....it never subsides even with pepto,.....im losing weight too.....

I have just been back to the doctors now because I have been getting constant nausea, I might go back on my tablets, they have given me a couple of days to think about it.

Thats how my anxiety started, I kept going to the doctors and telling them I felt sick, what I forgot to tell them (didn't see the significance) was that I felt nervous too. Ended in not eating, vomiting, loosing alot of weight, then having a masive panic attack and being diagnosed. I was put on tablets for 12 months, felt fine, came off them fine then recently started with the nausea again. This time round I know it is the anxiety and I am not dieing but is is still really hard to stop it.

30-09-08, 03:13
well i have had an amazing day by this aft anyways!!...i went to therapy for the first time and it was great!! my nausea and feeling ill diminished when i was finished...she gave me some helpful tools to control anxiety!! such as journaling, and a list of things to do when u feel an attack coming on!!!
im also going to see a NPD,....cant wait!!....i hope most days feel like this!!...its been soooo long since ive felt better,...