View Full Version : University Anxiety!

15-09-08, 16:11
Hello everyone. Next monday (the 22nd of September (the day after my birthday:))) I will be starting Cardiff University to do Adult Nursing. I am absolutly over the moon that I got accepted as they have 5000 applications and 1000 interviews and only 112 places! At the same time I am really really bricking it! I am nervous about being in a lecture hall for a long period of time, im nervous about meeting new people, nervous about the work load I will have, very nervous about the placements I will be doing and the hours it will take up! I am lucky because I don't have to move because I already live in Cardiff with my mates but its still very nerve racking. I am less than a week away and I am worrying about it before it's even happened! Anyone else have this kind of anxiety? I guess I will be ok in the lecture hall as long as I sit near some kind of exit. I missed nearly every school assembly due to having a panic attack in them!
Many thanks for reading and I hope everyone is well today :D

15-09-08, 16:17
Hey Steve

Fantastic news congratulations. I went to uni & did that course and studied at London & Bristol. You will love it, its a fantastic degree- hard work mind, so knuckle down, but enjoy it.
Its always nerve racking starting uni, but within a few weeks you will have established a group of mates & it will be fun.....& adult nursing is fun!!

I hope it all goes well, let me know how you get on. If i can give you one piece of advice it would be to do as much reading on nursing as possible. Skills, research, law & ethics, A&P etc...it will all be of benefit!!

Best Wishes


Your welcome to message me with any queries etc if you need to.

15-09-08, 16:45
Wow thankyou very much for that! Nice to have someone who has done the same course! The degree of dificulty makes me anxious. How hard are we talking that it is?

15-09-08, 16:58
Hey Steveo

I will be beginning an MSc in Public Health at the end of the month and share your anxieties. I think once I have got through the first few days (finding way around/meeting people) it will be fine. I think the best thing to do is just talk to as many people as you can because you will be so busy you won't have time to think of anxiety. I agree about being in a hall but you can always walk out and yes try to sit by the exit, this is what I am going to do.

I hope it all goes well. I am sure it will be a lot of fun and you will meet some amazing people. I really enjoyed uni first time round. Funny you'd think after doing it once I wouldn't feel scared but I am more scared now than before!

Good luck

15-09-08, 16:58
OK, the thing i found most difficult about doing the course was working 40hrs a week on placement & having an assignment/dissertation to complete. Whilst trying to maintaining sleep & a social life & a lot of reading about your placement speciality, your assignment, lectures etc..

Its hard but it can be done, and its the most rewarding career ever. There are a million different things you can do with it & you never ever stop learning. I have never regretted choosing nursing as a career....its a career you know within the first few months of starting you either love or hate!

Despite this make sure you maintain your life outside of it & learn how to organize your study & private/social time, thats very important.

And remember you can never know everything..............

15-09-08, 17:08
My plan was to keep my part time job at the same time. Its some evenings and weekends. Infact this conversation is turning out to be less about my anxiety and more about what the nursing degree is like lol. Thankyou very much for your replies! Im sure I will be fine. As long as I sit near the exits and knuckle down then I should be ok. Thankyou very much. I will keep you updated!