View Full Version : weird heartbeats?!

15-09-08, 17:56
I have been experiencing weakness and dizzness in and off for a while now but now I am getting these weird heartbeats. It only lasts a few seconds but its like my heart looses rythm all together it almost seems like its twitching. then it resumes normal rythm. It hapes all day and I dont knw if its related but I get sudden weakness and feel like I may faint. My friend and I had to leave the mall early and go home because of it the other day. I was so scared thatI would faint in the mall. Well I brought it up to my doctor and he doesnt seem to be concerned at all. No tests. just says its anxiety but I wasnt anxious at all and I usually am not anxious when it happens. I also get chest pains up in my left shoulder that are almost constant and along the left sde of my cest under my arm. Sometimes right over my heart. I dont know whether to just ignore it and try to learn to live with it or make the doctor run tests. HELP!?!?!?!? I feel totally alone and defeated.

Milo Girl
15-09-08, 18:34
Hi I experience these weird heartbeats too. They just seem to happen, not every day but just every now and again. I actually had it happen yesterday in a shop and I then got an odd sharp pain in my left shoulder. Felt very odd but I knew that it was a slight anxiety attack. I did keep calm and carried on round the shop and you know what - it passed. A few months ago I would have really freaked out and that would have made it a lot worse - full blown panic attack type thing.

Hope this helps.

Take care.

16-09-08, 02:16
It's probably just stress/anxiety, and no correlation between your weakness and heart irregularities, but it's advicible to see a doctor if heart irregularities come together with either

- fainting or near-fainting
- shortness of breath
- chest pains

It's most likely nothing wrong with your heart but you could see a doctor just to bee safe.

16-09-08, 10:16
You say that you werent feeling anxious, but believe me, you can be anxious without realising it. Also, anxiety attacks can strike at any time. Or at least this is my own experience of anxiety. Some of my worst episodes have come like a bolt out of the blue. Your doctor knows what he is talking about and he would not put your symptoms down to anxiety if he felt that it could be something else. It is more than his job is worth.

Anxiety can present itself in many forms, your symptoms are classic examples!:)