View Full Version : I saw the dentist about the mark.....

15-09-08, 18:43
Hi guys,
I just wanted to let you know that i got in to see the dentist today about the mark on my gum.
At first they couldnt see me until tomorrow, but i was in such a state that when i spoke to a different receptionist she said to go right away and not to worry anymore...
I thought that was really nice of her.
Anyways the dentist had a look and she said it looks like pigmentation, she asked if I had anyone of mixed race in the family, of which i dont, but she said you can still get it. She said I have probably had it for a while but just never really noticed it that much...
As Sallysdream said she has had it from being a teenager and yet no one else in her family has etc..

She said as soon as she saw it that it was nothing sinister, she had a good look around my mouth etc checked my teeth....
I kept asking her if she was sure it was ok, she said yes and to forget about it now...She also said if I wanted a second opinion then she would send me to a specialist just to reassure me, but i said no her word would be fine.
So i feel a lot better, it will take me some time to get my nerves in gear and trust her word...

I must keep telling myself that she knows what she is talking about and that if she suspected anything then she would have either asked a collegue to have a look or sent me straight away to the specialist, or just told me herself that she didnt like the look of it.
So I have to kick this anxiety in the butt and tell myself all is fine.
I just hope to get a good nights sleep tonight as last night was terrible and I was up at 4am worrying....

I am back at the dentist tomorrow for the deep cleanse, so i guess i will only ask her again....something you cant help when you are still in the throws of anxiety...

Thanks for the reassurance I got.
will let you know how i get on if thats ok, i would still like the support from you if you dont mind?
sam x

milly jones
15-09-08, 19:23
aww hunny

pls try and let the dentist reassure u hun

i dont have ha but do have sa and totally understand these irrational fears


milly xx

15-09-08, 23:14
Oh goody...nothing serious then. I thought it might be that, but glad you got it still checked out. x