View Full Version : HELP are meds the answer???

15-09-08, 19:04
Please help! I have had anxiety for about 7 years, when I first got it my doctor gave me a drug called 'Motival' I think it has now been withdrawn from the market.

My problem is I have had verying bouts of anxiety over the last 7 years ( I only took the Motival for 6 months and decided to stop taking it myself weening myself off it bit by bit). The anxiety came back but I could always seem to cope.

But lately I find I am in deep despair and cannot get past this latest bout, I have health anxiety about everything under the sun always stupid trivial things which get me in a total lather until I think I am going mad.:weep:

I have resisted going back to the doctor for medication not because I am being noble and brave but I am terrified they wont work and I think while they are out there I have some hope but what if I take them and I dont feel any better? I think that would be the end of me.

Am I being stupid in denying myself meds which could help me live a 'normal' life or am I better to keep trying to 'get over' the anxiety alone.:unsure:

Please help, I really dont know which way to turn and am starting to feel really sorry for myself :weep: :weep: :weep:

milly jones
15-09-08, 19:15
u can only decide for urself whether the meds are right for u

i take meds cos my life was so unbearable with the anx and dep

i couldnt sleep, couldnt work, couldnt be with my family

the side effects etc were a small price to pay to have a relatively 'normal' life again

chat with ur gp about the options

therapy also goes along side meds so u need to chat about that too

milly xxx

Captain America
15-09-08, 19:19
while everyone is different i will say a friend of mine after 10 years of anxiety did finally try meds again. he was on them ages ago, but did not like them and they didn't do what they were supposed to. he went on one recently and said he wished he'd done it ages ago.

meds have changed a lot over the last few years. there might be a new one that makes you feel better. and honestly failing on one med is not an indication that you're out of options, since sometimes people have to change a few times to find the one that works for them.

i'm opting to go without myself, and while i do currently feel in control i certainly would consider any options if i felt it gave me a chance to get my anxiety under control. i was on benzos when i was acute, and while i'd never do that again i certianly appreciate what they did for me at the time (helped me function, get a job, etc.....)

of course you could also try different therapies too, especially if you're 'stuck'. cbt is only one option. good therapy has been very helpful for me once i found the right therapist.

15-09-08, 19:33
I have absolutely no problem with taking the meds and they did work completely before, I would happlily take them for the rest of my life if they sorted me out. I just terrified they wont work and my last option is gone.

milly jones
15-09-08, 19:39
aww hugs xx

15-09-08, 19:41
I don't feel meds have helped me. I'm on Mirtazapine 45g, Propranalol 80mg, & Diazepam 5mg.

OK. they may have taken the edge off the worst of my stress/depression, but they've only subdued the symptoms - not cured the underlying issues.

I still feel as bad after 6 months on them, as I did before taking them.

15-09-08, 19:45
I didnt think meds would be a cure, I just want them to work.

Give me something positive someone ....i'm dying here

15-09-08, 20:08
OK, something more positive?

Get a hobby. Go for a walk every day. Do some part-time voluntary work. Join the gym. Go jogging for a half-hour a day. Take up golf or racketball. Do a part-time college course. Get a pet.

Do something - anything 'managable' - to keep occupied, to keep your mind busy so you don't focus on your problems.

15-09-08, 20:47
I think it depends on how bad the anxiety is - in my case without meds I cant even go to local shops or drive to take my son to school - I am on cipralex. its a vicious circle till you find the one that suits you

milly jones
15-09-08, 20:47
meds allow me to be able to feel less edgey and allow me to release feelings in therapy and share my fears

as i tackle the fears and face them with the help of the hospital i am slowly recovering

i can now leave the house, drive a car, eat in a cafe, answer the door, make a phone call, all things that 5 months ago i couldnt do.

this is due to meds, therapy and support from my family and friends

so taking meds can be positive if u put in the work with the therapy and be open minded enough to face ur fears

mill xx

15-09-08, 22:05
I work full time as property manager - have 2 labradors I walk early before work and soon as I get in, I play off a15 handicap (ladies) not sure I have 'time' to get a hobby (have 3 children)!!!!

I know keeping busy can help but it can add to your stress too

Captain America
15-09-08, 22:53
something positive? there are lots of options, and one of them will work for you. so try them! you have nothing to lose and everthing to gain.

16-09-08, 12:26
My meds enable me to live, eat, laugh, sleep and think straight.

I take an ssri type anti d, there are many many others
Look I am tired of people saying things like "OH anti d's don't fix you" "Your weak if you take them, just get over it"

I am sorry but unless you are a Dr or psychiatrist keep the opinion to yourself if it's a negative one like that.

Also more study needs to be done on depression and anxiety as some types are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.so in affect it's like having diabetes you need to take extra insulin to live...so you need to take extra seratonin for your brain to function properly, it's a chemical your brain sometimes does not produce enough of

Do what's right for you as you only get one, just one shot at life and I am just realising that!!!

16-09-08, 16:47
Hi there!

I am so sorry that you’re feeling so horribly low and afraid. It’s really awful isn’t it? I’ve only recently been referred for counselling as my HA has only been creeping up in the last four months. However, almost the moment I was referred it went stratospheric and in the last three weeks when there have been times that I feel like I’m literally hanging on by a thread. Saying that these really low points have ALWAYS passed and been followed by a few days of relative calm. This site has helped a lot and there are some wonderful tips on the HOME page (which I’m sure you’ve read, but with things like this rereading can be really helpful).

I’ve been prescribed Citalopram, but I have yet to go to the pharmacy and fill it out. The reason isn’t so much fear, but wanting to see how I get along without them. I’ll leave them as backup *g*.

The point to my ramble is that there are always other alternatives to make yourself feel better. A week ago I was getting by only by taking diazepam and drinking myself into a stupor at night. Now, I’m taking nothing and I may have a single glass of wine to unwind after I get back from work.

In my experience, these low points pass if you give yourself time and get the right kind of reassurance. I’ve found that one of the worst things with the really low points is they can make yourself believe that there is no up—and yet just a few hours and the right kind of chat with people who care can make all of the difference. Medication can certainly help (as I’ve read on this forum) and I will use them if it comes to that. Why not pop along to your doctors and get the prescription at the very least—and then make the decision then? Who knows you may feel better by then anyway. I certainly hope so.

Take care of yourself and I hope that somewhere in this ramble, I’ve offered a little bit of positive to help you.:hugs:

16-09-08, 19:06

Thank you so much for your kind words, the nomorepanic forum really is my 'medicine' just now, everyone is so encouraging and kind. I know that this terrible low will pass as it has before, what amazes me is how every time I get over a bout of anxiety, I think well at least the next time I can be more positive knowing I'll get over it and every time I totally forget all my positive thoughts and PANIC.

If you met me you would not beleive I suffer from anxiety and panic, none of my friends or work colleagues know. Only my husband & sister in law ( a fellow suferer) know. I just find that unless people have suffered anxiety they cannot understand it and think you should just 'get a grip'.

Sometimes it can be so hard to get out of bed and get into work, I literally have to force myself, but I know if I didnt I would just give in and never leave the house. But sometimes I just cannot cope any longer, I am fed up being 'brave' and fed up trying to be positive, because it just seems so hard.

Moan moan moan...........well thank you all for being there and helping me unload a bit of my burden onto you, it is much appreciated :hugs:

17-09-08, 08:41
I also took meds a number of years back and every now and then I have to go back on them, the meds were Prozac and they work everytime I am going through an anxious time that I know I cant get rid of fully myself.
I also felt like you that what if one day they didn't work, but they do and I think its just your mind in the worried state making you think this, mine did. But honestly they work each and everytime I need to take them, which isnt very often thank god.
I also had to take sleeping tablets for the first week when I got really anxious and that helped the sleep pattern kick back in.
I have had no probs what so ever with prozac, its easy to take and easy for me to stop, no trouble at all. But as with everything else someone might find coming of it harder thatn the next person.
If your tablets worked for you on numerous times then stick with them as you know they are a reliable source.
Also try try try and think positive thoughts everytime the negative ones come it. I did the thought stopping process and it worked, it took time but eventually the negative thoughts dissappeared, I would say a certain word in my head every time i had a bad thought, could be a swear word or anything as long as it is a powerful one....
I do hope this helps you a little
sam x