View Full Version : Hi I am new and this is me!!

15-09-08, 19:15
When I wake up, every day the same thoughts race through my mind, is this my last day? Is my heart beating ok? What does that ache or pain mean, it has got to be something bad!! Frantic flashing images of me collapsing in front of a crowd of people or me in the house on my own with the doors locked and either dying or being extremely ill and nobody knowing, who will find me?, will an ambulance get to me in time or even if they do will the paramedics be able to get in the locked doors.
I am 31 and for about 15 years I have had anxiety sometimes extreme irrational anxiety and on rarer occasions an anxiety that has been quieter and not so intrusive. At the moment my levels are extemely high, but I want to try and change, to have a more ‘so what’ attitude to my invasive thoughts.
I thought if I put all my worries down in writing it may help me to get rid of some of them for good. I want a happy life, I want to be the life and soul, and I want to regain some of my confidence and put myself out there and actually live for once instead of just existing.
Mentally I have struggled with depression and anxiety which has manifested itself into a constant feeling that something is wrong with me, something really bad and I am going to die, leaving everyone behind who I love so dearly and there being nothing, not even nothing!
My main focus of anxiety at the moment is that there is something wrong with my heart, I get chest pains, arm pains, tingling in my hands, I feel my heart race or flutter and have a constant fluttering sensation in my throat and it stops me dead in my tracks. I have been to the doctors countless times with the symptoms; I have received ECG’s, blood test, blood pressure checks and a chest x-ray. The results of these tests have all been normal but I still believe there is something wrong. If only they would do more advanced checks them maybe I can except that I am ok and lay the fears to rest. Other people wish for a new car or a promotion at work, I wish for a medical expert to carry out tests on me that prove without a shadow of doubt everything is working as it should be.
On top pour a massive dollop of guilt and self consciousness, guilt for all those people who are seriously ill, for those that have lost someone close to them, guilt for spoiling things for others with my continuous moaning and need for reassurance that I haven’t got a life threatening disease and that the twinges are the same as everyone else’s.
The self conscience part is not so much about how I look, even though there is room for vast improvement, the self conscience part is if I collapse will I be dressed?, will my body be covered up?, will I lose control of my bodily functions in front of people?.
Another emotion that plays a big part in my life is jealously! not jealously over material things as such. But over other people’s minds and thoughts, why aren’t they consumed with such morbid thoughts, why aren’t they frightened like me.
Friends the same age as me seem to have much fuller lives, they travel, they socialise, and they take on new challenges. Most of the time I will avoid situations where I could be socialising, or doing something different and having fun. My friends go to concerts, they see others often, and I stay in often! And watch TV often! Due to my fear of death I feel I have now become frightened to live, it’s like if I just sit here and don’t move too much then I am not putting my body under any pressure so things are less likely to go wrong.
I have taken antidepressents for years now since I was about 17, I have been through the lot, Prozac, seroxat, citalopram, amitriptyline, mirtazipine. None of them have made much improvement or if they have it has been short lived so now with agreement from my doctor I have come off the tablets and hopefully will be embarking on a new treatment CBT. I am waiting to hear from the specialist to contact me and have been told the waiting list is long.
I do still take diazepam as and when needed, which sometimes takes the edge off for a short while.
I would really like to be in cotact with people who actually understand what I feel like and hopefully this will give me reassurance and I maybe able to reassure them. I apologise for the long winded entry I just feel that i am carrying a huge weight around with me all the time.
Rebecca xx

milly jones
15-09-08, 19:19
a warm welcome to the nmp family

love milly xx

15-09-08, 20:14
Hi Rebecca,
I know exactly what you mean with everything you've written, i could have written myself but i'm not that good with words, plus, on top for me, add agoraphobia and panic attacks.
I constantly have the "something bad will happen" feeling. Somedays it's worse than others, somedays it will consume my every thought in an instant. Like a big black cloud desending on me! I've had all the tests countless times...

Anyway, sorry to go on...but just to let you know, you're definitely not alone.

Welcome to NMP....


15-09-08, 20:54
Hi and welcome, I hope you feel better now youve written it all down, there are lots on here is a similar position and I hope you get help from being here.xx

16-09-08, 08:23
Hi there and welcome to the site xx

16-09-08, 13:47
hi rebecca, welcome to nmp

I also could have written this thread - i have exactly the same symptoms and thoughts as you, although I have been suffering (as have my poor family) for only 2 years. I especially relate to wanting the full body check up - i keep thinking I will call the local private hospital and book myself in. But then I remember that I did this about 18months ago and had all the checks, even saw a private cardiologist, and nothing was wrong. I do understand how difficult it is to ignore the horrible symptoms, particularly around the chest area, and these also are the ones that make me think the experts have missed something.

But, of course, they haven't and in moments of sanity we realise that all the sensations we feel are as a result of fear - fear of dying, fear of leaving our loved ones and, like you, fear of collapsing in a compromising position (I've even started wearing a nightie in case I collapse in the middle of the night) - of course if we did collapse the truth is we wouldn't give a stuff where we were or what we were dressed in!!!:D

Take heart that there are many people on this site who feel exactly as we do. Be strong and be kind to yourself - anxiety is exceptionally nasty to live with but we will beat it. Take care and pm anytime you wish.


16-09-08, 13:57
hello and welcome to nmp, im sure you will find loads of great advice and support here and make new friends too. hugs xxx

16-09-08, 23:27
Hi Everyone, Many thanks for your nice welcome and kind words, Janie I know what you mean about the nightie, I do exactly the same!! Although I wish no one had to feel this way I am glad I am not alone and others relate to how I feel x Take care everyone.

Rebecca xxxx

18-09-08, 09:44
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

18-09-08, 09:50
Welcome Rebbeca x

18-09-08, 12:10
Hi Rebecca,

Welcome to the site, I'm a new member too! :o) This site is great isn't it!

I totally feel what you are feeling...i'm going through the extreme anxiety related specifically to the heart symtpoms at the moment. So I totally feel for you... everytime you get one of the symtoms the chest, arms, neck etc, you cannot help but think that the end is nigh. I described it to my counsellor: it feels like I am drowning at the moment but I don't know when the last gulp of air is coming.

I think it's great that you are arranging to have some CBT...I'm also looking into it. I hope it helps you.

Welcome to this site dear, and I hope that it really helps you out.

take care

Darren :o)

18-09-08, 19:36
Hi Darren,
I too believe this site is very positive, it just gives me a little bit of reassurance that what I feel isn't necessarily something really bad, although the reassurance doesn't always last as long as want! Today I have had one of my better days and haven't been sat at work trying to hold in all my anxiety so it goes unnoticed. I also had an appointment at the dr's to follow up a previous visit - I did manage to ask him if he would send me to a heart specialist but he said no because I didn't need to. My Dr is pretty good with me really, he gets me to listen to my own heart so I can hear that it is beating normally!!
The 'end is nigh' experience is very common to me too, it's hard to describe but it is like I think I am going to die but there might be moments before it happens when I desperatley try to breathe but can't inhale anything, so I will feel myself suffocating. Sometimes trying to put thoughts and feelings into words is so hard, so I hope you understand what I mean, I suppose it is like drowning.
I am really pinning alot of hopes on the CBT when I finally get an appointment, but because it is gp referral it seems to be taking so long, I believe there are only 2 practitioners in my area.

If you ever want to talk though please do message me, it would be great if I could reassure you in some way.

Take Care
