View Full Version : Worst Panic attack yet

15-09-08, 19:54
Hi folks, last night i suffered a panic attack that was the worst to date. Had felt aggitated all day and by night after a spicy curry, went to bed and felt restless. After turning in bed for about an hour, BANG it hit me. It was like an epress train hitting me. I fought to not pass out, trembled worse than i had before so much so that i couldnt hold the phone to dial 999. I got up and paced around telling mysled NO NO its panic you will be fine. I couldnt even hold my paper bag for shaking and sheer panic. After 10 minutes the intensity of the attack lessened to the extent that i could get dressed. I knew it had passed but because of the intensity of it i decided once agian to visit A&E to get checked. Bit of background i should mention. I am on my second week of my citalopram treatment 10 mg. On Friday i increased to 20mg on my gps instruction. Foolishly because i was feeling good i went out for some drinks and ended up overdoing it. The next two days i was on edge and i know that this is what has brought my attack on. 10 minutes before the main attack i took a 5mg diazepam as i knew i was gonna go into one. But it was too late for it. The A&E folks once again took my BP, blood sugar and a ECG all of which were fine although my BP was slightly raised. After a couple of hours i returned home with the doc telling me it was a panic attackcand went to bed exhausted. I guess the point to my story is to go easy on the alcohol when taking citalopram. The attack has left we a bit shaken as it was one of the scariest things i have yet experienced. I thought i was gonna pass out and die. I didnt though and again this goes to prove that no matter how intense the attack you will get through it.

jacqui doll
15-09-08, 20:04

I suffered the worst panic/aniexty attack 4 weeks ago. i had felt aggitated all money, breathing was not too bad. At that point i dont remeber anything. Hubby ended calling dr who in turn call for an ambulance. I was out of it for 4/5 hours before i came round. I've since had crisis team out, see phy, theraphy and cit. has been increased too 60mg. Funny the night before i had a few drinks with friends, 3 glasses of wine. Panic attacks come in weird forms and this was certainly my worst and one i dont wish to experience again.

Take care

15-09-08, 20:42
Ive had to stop my drinking altogether now! Its ashame really because Im about to start university and you know what uni life is like! Drinking mainly! The next 2 days after drinking for me are really really scary so your not alone. Next time you feel like that, just stay lieing on your bed and take really really deep and slow breaths. Easyer said than done I know but pacing around will add to your blood rushing around your body faster than normal. Having said that you have just started citalopram, I would leave it a bit longer until you start the drinking. I am on the same drug and it took me a while to get it in my system!
Hope this helps Rob. Any more problems, we are all ears on this forum (or eyes should I say?)
Best Wishes

15-09-08, 23:21
Thanks Steveo :)

16-09-08, 01:22
Hi Robert,

Yes the old demon drink eh, The first scary one for me was after an all night session on the Vodka so try cutting down a bit as the drink dont do you any good. Its a bit like Ying and Yang, Feel good while on the bottle but when the hang over creeps in the body and mind is up for a time of it.

I not saying you give up the bottle as we all need a release valve now and then but if you can well you will only get better and better.

Best of luck,

Oh yeh, If I eat a Indian curry the next day after drinking then it brings on a hang over really badly and the old p.a sneek in.

16-09-08, 22:44
Hey Robert, sorry to hear the attack was really bad, but then like you said you still got over it. I have been on Citalopram for 5 weeks and have now not had an attack for 10 days, i feel so much better, BUT the first couple of weeks were worse, ther anxiety was heightened, i just had to keep telling myself it would get better, although came very close to stopping the meds, i didnt and now im glad, this is the most normal i have felt in ages, and its nice to get a decent nights sleep, with the alchol side of things, the info on the meds does say not to drink, the reason being that alcohol is a depressant. Saying that though i asked my GP when i had my checkup and she said the odd glass in moderation is fine, i have since had a couple of glasses of wine, or a couple of smirnoff ices and not suffered any the worse for it, i know we are all different though and we just have to find the best way of dealing with it all. Good luck. x

16-09-08, 22:51
Do you find that your medication helps you? I'm just about to finish CBT but I still find it hard to cope at times. I'm considering going back to my doctor as I'm finding it hard to cope with my panick attacks as at the moment they tend to be around strangers, for example when I am studying and people notice and point and stare which really hurts.

16-09-08, 23:07
I've had three "serious" panic attacks including my first one while in Cyprus.

The cause and trigger of them all?

A hang over and too much booze the night before.

Cut out the clubbing lifestyle for now :)

17-09-08, 00:55
Hey folks thanks for your replies.
I feel back to normal after Sunday nights panic thankfully.
Yes i now believe a trigger is the hangover from alcohol when im feeling down tired and more vulnerable. Seems to follow a pattern! I dont drink often no more than once every couple of weeks but it would be like a binge session. Not good especially when taking this medication and will now be stopping the binges! I know i can have just a couple of beers if i really want to and then go onto soft drinks. I think though that i will stop completely for a few months and give the meds a chance to work.
1990 CJ i have been on the Citalopram for two weeks now and the side effects have been minimal other than feeling a bit more tired than usual. I dont think it was the meds that brought on the attack more myself by getting drunk on them. On the plus side i do feel lovely and calm from time to time and hope that this continues. So yeah they seem to be helping. I Know they are not a cure and as i am finding out through my awful experience and other peoples experiences on here, alcohol is playing a big part in my anxiety attaks and i can address this. Whilst im on the citalopram i intend try and fix all of the issues i know that are affecting me and in time i will come off them slowly.
Thanks again everyone who took the time to write and if i can help anyone in anyway please let me know.

17-09-08, 09:08
Hi robert! I know what you mean whan you say u had the worst attack ever! i had panic attacks for a long time two years ago, went to citalopram and everything got better, it was really good for me! so my gp told me to stop taking them so i did, everything was fine until last month. I was on holiday in the south of france, i went to a gig, i went to see Madonna, so i was there watching the show and BAMMMM, i had the biggest panic attack ever and IN FRANCE! i thought i was going to die, i could not breath, i was shaking, like i was having seisures and it was horrible, and to aggravate the problem the security and emergency of the venue did not speak english. so i was trying to explain to the the problem and they could not understand! So i thought : " s**t, im going to die in france" ahahah
So i came back to london next day and since then i am having some panic attacks eversince!
I am holding on and hesistating to speak to my GP again!
Last night i could not sleep! was awake for most of the night!slept only two hours!!
Well, i hope everything is going good for you! if u need to talk get in touch with me cause i have a good experience in PA!!!

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