View Full Version : Sponsoring a dog

15-09-08, 19:59
From today I'm sponsoring an English Springer Spaniel from the Dogs Trust. I'm able to visit him too and words can't express how happy I feel now.

I haven't got any pets so I'm pleased to be sponsoring the dog.

15-09-08, 21:15
Good on you Ju!!These animals need all the help they can get!!

Love Lisa

15-09-08, 22:10
I want a dog from Dogs trust, but because I've lost the immunisation certificates that I got for my dog Sam, they won't give me one. Shame really, as I would give a loving home to a dog if I got one. Maybe I'll try again and see if they will change their mind?


15-09-08, 23:16
I sponsor a dog called Harvey from dog's trust.He is a golden retriever.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Cathy V
15-09-08, 23:18
Tom thats really unfair. Doesn't the vet who immunised your dog have an up to date copy?

15-09-08, 23:50
I'm not sure Cathy. It's 13 years now since he got his inoculations, so they might not have any record of it?
I think I'll call at the local dog's trust on Wednesday and see if there's anything else I can do to sort it out. My dog Sam is getting old now and just the thought of loosing him makes me feel very depressed. I had to take him to the vets last week as I found a lump on his side. The vet did a scan and biopsy which showed that the lump was just benign, but it was a bit of a fright. Loosing a faithful friend will be bad enough when the time comes, but having another dog will hopefully take the edge off it. If I do get another dog it will be part of the family and just as much loved as the one we have now.


16-09-08, 09:14
Aww thats lovely Ju :D

16-09-08, 12:03
Nice one Ju:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Kaz x:hugs: