View Full Version : Anyone get ringing in the ears?

15-09-08, 23:47
Does anyone else out there get a high pitched ringing in the ears before an adrenalin surge? It comes on suddenly and gets louder and louder it does pass , but it's horrible.

16-09-08, 01:43

oh yea I get that but like you it passes, nothing to worry about unless you have a bell ringer stalking you...lol

16-09-08, 09:59
Yep - have pm'ed you.

Just another crazy symptom!

thoughts and actions
16-09-08, 13:49

Yeah its a very common symptom

Its coz the adrenalin puts ure body into fight or flight mode and your blood is taken from certain areas in the body and put in others to prepare for flight.

Just thought if u knew why it was happening might make u a bit more reassured? next time u get it think to yourself okay its a bit uncomfortable but i appreciate that my body thinks the blood is required else where- or something along those lines to reassure yourself

Ull be susprised it subsides!!

take care

16-09-08, 20:10
ya me too! mostly at night when i'm trying to sleep.

17-09-08, 17:27
Thanks everyone,
It's very reassuring to hear from you all. Just another weird symptom to cope with !!!!!!!!:lac:

17-09-08, 20:45
Answer the bluddy phone!!!!

18-09-08, 04:54
I get a weird low buzzing in mine. I panic right away because it was the same buzzing I had when my blood pressure was super high so I automatically think something is wrong and start taking my BP over and over again. I think it is just another one of those awful symptoms that come along with the anxiety. If you find it is happening at night, maybe listen to an Mp3 or Ipod to help.

18-09-08, 05:14
Hmm I dont think I get it from panic..but I do get it alot. I find that if you focus really intently on another noise (I like to tap my fingers on my ears when this happens) and soon you forget about the sound and it just goes away.


18-09-08, 10:49
I was getting this for about a month and rushes of bloiod to my head.

I think the adrenalin rush after the ringing is you anticipating a panic attack due to the ringing.

It's stopped in me now. Haven't panicked for like 3 weeks now. Quit drinking
4 months ago and stopped taking caffiene 3 months ago and I ride 10km a day and do other exercise too and I feel better than ever now.

Fitness levels play a massive part in this stuff. Get fit and focus on something. I started doign a bit of metal work in my shed just to focus on something other than how I feel. It worked for me! Gotta be worht a try everyone huh?