View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

16-09-08, 00:12
Hi, I'm so glad i found this site. I wished i had come across it 3 years ago, when i was having panic attacks everyday.It all started when i was pregnant i had high blood pressure and had to be induced. Then after giving birth i had midwives calling everyday checking my blood pressure. They would say if my Bp was up i would have to go back into hospital. So i paniced and ended up back in hospital.This is when i started having health anxiety . i had missed heart beats, that would send me into panic. Then each night i would have hours of palpatations worrying that i would have a panic attack. I would pace up and down the house most of the night

. I was put on beta blockers that worked for a short while then i thought they were slowing my heart rate down to much and it would stop. So i came off them. Then i went onto citalapram and beta blockers again. Which seemed to help.
Then i fell pregnant again and had to come straight off the beta blockers. Which really frightend me. I went to hypnotherapy as i was worried about having my blood pressure checked again. This really helped me and i have been fine untill now. My palpatations are back and loads of misseed beats. I am a qualified nurse which does not help.

16-09-08, 07:05
its nice to meet you

16-09-08, 08:32
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, it doesnt matter what job you do, anxiety can affect us all, tc xx

16-09-08, 10:10
i was so surprised when i discoverd this site, at how many of us suffer with anxiety and the physical symptoms it can cause.

I did think that i was going crazy. People i have spoken to about this dont really understand how it feels to be constantly aware of every heart beat, breath, lump, pump, ache or pain. I wish i could just ignore things. I think the problem i have as a nurse is that i see things at work, i come home and imagine that i have the same as the patients i care for. its hard to block it out.
I did think that it had gone, but its come out of the blue again. I hate having missed beats and those palpatations really really really annoy me i start off thinking IT OK. Then when they still havent gone and get worse i think there must be something wrong, this can't be good!
Sorry for moan just needed to get it out.

ian hall
16-09-08, 10:14
hi whats changed in your life do you think to have your anxiety come back?

milly jones
16-09-08, 20:23
welcome to our nmp family

love from

milly xxx