View Full Version : piles

16-09-08, 01:20
hey, i think i have piles as when i wipe my bottom there is blood on the tissue and a lot of redness inside my bottom. however if this is piles it means i have had it for years, i just thought it was where i was wiping too hard. i'm now really scared as i'm 21 and i thought only older people got this? can i get a serious illness from it? i am so scared.
please please reply ASAP
Many thanks

16-09-08, 03:23
you can get piles lots of girls have them when thay are haveing a baby
any one can get them dont worry wish you better

16-09-08, 14:49
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

Anyone can get piles, they are due to strain when having a motion, OR, after having a baby.

I have had one pile, which is out all the time, after I had my first child, he is 18 now, It does bleed from time to time, infact, its been bleeding on and off for along time.

I have spoken to a gp about it, only because at that time I felt I needed more advice. you can get cream from the chemist, which has an applicater, to put the cream inside, I was not sure, if I should use the applicater, thought it may cause more truma for the piles. Mmm, I was right, she said not to use it and gave me some spray, which shrinks the piles. As I said, one is out ALL the time, it will never go back in, but thats no probs, but does not hurt at all, but sometimes, due to motions being hard,it can drop down even more and it can bleed and become a little sore.

My GP said, I could get it sorted, BUT, it was ok to leave it too, hehe, me thought I would just leave it.

Hunny, if you are concerned, please pop along to your gp, peace of mind goes along way.

Please try and eat more fruit, veg and fiber, to keep your motions soft, this does help to stop them bleeding. Mmm. must take my own advice.



16-09-08, 18:33
They're just swollen blood vessels like varicose veins around your ring-piece.

You can get over-the-counter medication at the chemist. Cream or suppositories (like waxy bullets) that you push up your bum and they melt into cream, which shrinks the piles.

Eating plenty of fruit, or a senna medication, to keep your motions soft, definitely helps.