View Full Version : My Story

16-09-08, 11:53
Hi, my name is Jamie im 23 and i live in Australia. This is a long story and I will try to keep it as short as possible.

Almost a year ago now I had my first panic attack. I was in a highly stressful job and had just be placed in a position that increased my work load when I was already burnt out. On top of this I had no job security as i was casual and my boss threatened to fire me every other day. My parents had just moved interstate and my childhood dog died.

At the time I was incredibly unhealthy and was living on caffeine and junk food alone. I came home from another horrific day at work and suffered two bouts of hypoglycemia (im not diabetic). This was unusual for me and it kinda freaked me out a bit. but I got on with my evening. I had been having hypo on an off since my teens it didnt interfere with my life much and so I just got on with things.

That night after a huge meal packed with carbs (no chance of hypo) I began to sweat more and more and more and was overheating then I began to feel dizzy like I was falling through the floor. I was shaking my heart was pounding etc.

At the time I had no reference for what the hell was happening to me and so I thought it must be hypo I ate some more and it didnt go away this sent me into a panic for 3 days I went to the ER and they ran all kinds of tests everything was clear. Even my sugars which were at 6.0 fasting.

After that I developed a deep fear of hypo I couldn't escape it every meal time I was in fear. I could not get off the couch I felt ill all day every day.

About 3 months ago I found out that I was having anxiety and panic attacks when I went to see a new GP. I did not go the drug route. During this time I found out that I only got hypo when I consumed wheat products which I now know I am allergic to.

I was fine for ages no bouts of hypo but I still felt horrible untill I found out that I was having panic attacks. At first this gave me a massive boost I felt great in the knowledge that nothing was wrong with me. I began to venture outside to try and conqure the agrophobia I had developed. I was doing ok untill I once again ate a wheat product then I got hypo.

Since then I have not touched anything with wheat I have lost 20 kilos and am the fittest I have been in my life, however the fear is still there the panic still gets me and it is often before meals. It does not at all fell like the hypo of the past but I am scared that these feelings are hypo and that all the diet and lifestyle changes I have made have done nothing.

I got a glucose meter and at first is was giving me great readings untill one day it gave an error and would not turn off so I pulled the battery out. The next time I went to check it gave me a 3.3 - 3.1 reading a massive diffrence from before. I was freaked and went into a full blown panic for days.

I finally went to the gp and they checked my sugars 5 -6 hrs after food and it was at 5.0 which is perfect. At first I went home with new found vigor and reasurance but then it slowly came back the feelings before meals the cold sweats the shaking hands tight chest.

I feel I am unable to form an honest opinion on what has happend to me and I keep sliding back into my old fears/symptoms. I want to be rid of this horrible problem and so I am asking based on what I have told you weather you think the following.

A.) I had a problem with hypo which I have fixed thought the removal of wheat and lifestyle change, but I have managed to link my anxiety to the idea of hypo.

B.) I have hypo and it is causeing the attacks.

Might I also add that when I eat food my anxiety seems to fade away, however if I only eat a small snack even if it has quite a high sugar content it rarely helps me at all. It is only after a big hearty meal that the axiety seems to go.

I really would appreciate the advice of anyone who might have had similar experiences or anyone who might have an answer for me.


16-09-08, 20:55
Jamie.... whenever I'm stressed out, I eat raw foods and they help IMMENSELY. grapefruit, grapes, carrots, melons are among my favorite for this.

If it's not too much trouble, try this: When you wake up in the morning, eat nothing but a big portion of fruit, for me what works best is a honeydew (yellow) melon. See if you feel better. Probably best to do this on a day when you're off from work. Sure a caffeine or sugar craving will probably kick in after a bit.... but at least you'll know this is what your body wants more of.

I don't know what it is, but I'm almost in tears at how well eating food like this works sometimes. It just clears me up completely and makes me feel so calm and relaxed. On the other hand, my body does seem to be INCREDIBLY HYPERSENSITIVE to lots of things so I'm not sure if it will work for you. Green tea as well seems to help.

17-09-08, 00:52
Thanks for the advice, I will try snaking on raw food through out the day I often snack on apples and carrots. However this rarely seems to work for me. It seems that the only way I can calm down is if I eat a large filling meal.

17-09-08, 13:20
Don't know about b) as I have no experience but, regarding a), it's entirely possible for your mind to make subconscious links between causes and effects, thus leading you to be wary of things automatically without real reason. On my own thread on this list regarding some stomach discomfort which I've been suffering, which you were kind enough to respond to, I mentioned the discomfort I felt whilst swallowing. Since that initial discomfort I've been reluctant to eat in case it causes the same discomfort again. Logically I know I must eat to survive, but my mind links eating with pain and puts the brakes on.
It's a no-win situation and I'm starving...:shrug:

18-09-08, 07:46
Thank you for your reply it made a lot of sense to me, try and eat something there is no need to go hungry just because you throat was a little sore, try some soup maybe to get yourself back into the swing of things :)