View Full Version : Hello

16-09-08, 12:55
Hello. I'm Dave.
I've had panic attacks on and off for many years. I've been fine for a while but they're starting again.
I joined in the hope of being able to talk about it to people who understand, and also maybe of help to others as I get over them again.
At the moment I feel they'll never go away.
Regards, Dave.

16-09-08, 13:58
hiya and welcome to nmp, you will find lots of advice and support here and make new friends too, make sure you have a read of the menu's and issues, self helps etc as they really help. hugs xxxx

Veronica H
16-09-08, 14:32
Hi Dave
:welcome:I am sure you will find support and understanding here. I am using Dr Claire Weekes books and free downloads of her work from NMP. Have you tried these yet? I can recommend them. It is early days for me as I am also waiting for CBT, but I have made so much progress thanks to Dr weekes techniques. Her books can be ordered from the NMP shop.

Best wishes with your recovery

16-09-08, 14:45
Hi Dave and :welcome: to NMP.
Like you, i joined in the hope of support, and i got it in droves.
Just through reading other peoples posts i gained loads of useful advice and encouragement and i have found been a member very comforting (i cannot express how much it has helped me). Now, i have come out of the other end. My most recents spell of anxiety (& my worst to date) is finally over (i so at least i hope). Don't get me wrong, i still have the odd day where i feel nervy and lack motivation but these feelings don't hang about like a bad penny anymore. Hope you will get as much from this site as i have.
Take care!

its all good
16-09-08, 14:50
Hi dave,:welcome: to nmp. U will find lots of help and support on here and every1 is really nice. Am sorry u r havin a hard time at the mo but if u have overcome this before then u will have the strength and courage to do it again. Dont forget to talk to other nmpers about how ur feelin and remember ur not alone, best wishes, kayliegh xxx

16-09-08, 16:25
Hi Dave

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who will understand how you feel.

Take care


16-09-08, 19:12
Hi Dave,
Ive just joined the site today also, im in a similar situation to you, Very wise words from Donna ! Yes we do some tomes have to do it all over again, just making sure we do it better ! I bet if you could see yourself in the first stages of panic, how ever long ago that was, you would be shocked and so proud at how far you have come, maybe even realise that your not there again ! a different place with more wisdom to it !

milly jones
16-09-08, 20:11
welcome to our nmp family


love from

milly xxx

16-09-08, 22:48
Hi dave and :welcome: to the site, you'll find loads of folk on here that can give you advice and help xx

16-09-08, 23:18
Hi Dave,

Don't give up, there are loads of people here to support you.

I also recommend Claire Weekes mp3 downloads.

Good luck. x

18-09-08, 09:45
Hi there and welocme along to NMP

Pooh x

19-09-08, 09:48
Thank you all for the welcome.
All the best, Dave.

20-09-08, 22:47
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here with us.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.