View Full Version : hello ive just come across this site

16-09-08, 15:22
hi my name is tracie im 29 married with 3 sons,i started having anxiety attacks about 2 years ago it started just after my nan died and i had alot of stress in my life and its slowly got worse and worse to the point where i hardly go out now,its controling my life as the furthest i go is to my mums house 5 minutes away from me or maybe to take the boys to a local park,i cant even do normal things like food shopping or going into town,my main symtom is feeling like im going to throw up all the time i have a phobia of sick and vomiting which make the anxiety worse which then makes me panic,i even struggle everytime i have to see the doctor again,i came across this site searching the internet for ways to cope with anxiety /panic attacks and any ideas on what may help me,i would also love to talk to people in the same situation as me people who understand.

16-09-08, 15:35
Thank you for the warm welcome Tetley,its nice to meet you too and i look forward to talking to lots on here it seems like a lovely friendly forum.:)

16-09-08, 16:16

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who will understand what you are going through.

Take care


milly jones
16-09-08, 20:17
welcome to our nmp family

love from

milly xxx

16-09-08, 22:52
Hi there and :welcome: to the site xx

16-09-08, 22:57
Hi babydoll,

I'm new too and the people here are so lovely, I'm sure you will find plently of people that will understand how you feel.


16-09-08, 23:48
hi babydoll, any time, any place, u wana talk someone will be here to listen,
welcome , hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of your anxiety

17-09-08, 09:00
Hi and welcome..
You're not alone! I can totally relate to what you're saying :)


17-09-08, 09:12
Thank you to everyone for the welcome! you are all so lovely and its going to be Nice to have people to talk to that are going through simular problems.

17-09-08, 09:45
Hello :)

I can totally relate to what your saying, everyone here is so friendly and nice and helpfull. Im new too and its a great place to be.

I too have a fear of vomit, anytime you wanna talk send me a message or whatever! Always here for a chat!

Emma x

17-09-08, 10:01
Hi babydoll and :welcome: to NMP.

Sounds like you'v come to the right place, you'll get support, encouragement, advice and hugs by the bucketful!

17-09-08, 10:03
thank you emma,i would love to chat more i dont have alot of friends due to my anxiety/panic attacks because i stay home all the time and dont go out ,the friends i do have try to understand but i think unless you go through it you wouldnt fully understand.
thank you for your replyX:)

18-09-08, 09:43
Hi there and welcome along to NmP

Pooh x