View Full Version : help me!!

The Fool
16-09-08, 15:57
ok so about i dont no 3 maybe 4 months ago i was into this guy called kieran he was an old friend and i liked him alot anyway we havent spoken in ages so i have decided to cut him lose or i will just keep trying to talk to him and make an idiot out of myself i mean more of an idiot so right now i am trying to delete his number so i dont call or text him but for some reason my finger wont press the ok to delete button! i need help lol

16-09-08, 17:05
DELETE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take it from a girl who has experience...always delete. Your right you will just continue to make more of a fool of yourself!

Girl Power

16-09-08, 17:18
hit that button girl, u know u wanna hugs xxx

The Fool
16-09-08, 17:26
i did it woohoo! lol

16-09-08, 17:55
Just preeessss the little button... you can do it....
Just put your finger on the button... and puuusshhhh!!!!