View Full Version : Should I try them?

16-09-08, 16:15
A few months ago i was prescribed citalopram for my anxiety but never took it as i couldn't believe its all anxiety ,I've always been a fun loving bloke had a good job etc but never had any real probs with anxiety until new years eve last year when i think i had a panic attack from a reaction to some flu tablets.I havent been myself since,i have left my job and moved back with my parents aswell as i feared i was seriously ill an couldn't cope.had all tests done blood,urine,ent specialist and recently an abdominal ultrasound all have come back clear.just wondered if citalopram will stop the physical symptoms of anxiety,like the aches and pains ,tight throat upset stomach ,foggy headaches etc.
cheers :yesyes:

16-09-08, 16:36
Well my ssri did that for me, you will have to go through a few side affects but a month after taking them all and I mean ALL my symptoms went away bit by bit.

You will be amazed at what your body can do to you when you suffer from anxiety and or depression

Try them as you have nothing to loose

16-09-08, 16:50
Im exactly the same as u hunni i hate taking meds cos of side effects and when i do take them im checking my body because of the side effects but that citalopram is a common one i dnt take it myself but alot of people on here do and its def worth a try to see if it helps though horible sypmtoms. i take amitriplyine 20mg and they do calm me down a lil and i take them at night and for the first few days taking them i jus got a lil headache but now im fine so dnt worry.ullb fine u could search on here for citalopram to see other peoples experiencees. but try not to worry if u start at a low dose to start off with you'll b fine.also u said u get throat problems wots it feel like? as i have similar problems and id like to knw. Cheers
Take Care C.xx

16-09-08, 17:03
thanks for the advice.
well i feel like my throat is closing,when it first happened i would panic thinking i was going to suffocate but i could still breath .the best way to describe it would be like a muscle spasm in my throat which feels theres something stuck in there.

17-09-08, 10:12
Your throat problems is from anxiety, I know at the moment you don't think it is as that's how it was for me, take the meds the way your Dr has prescribed and give it 4 weeks... don't miss one okies.

17-09-08, 10:33
Hello, i am on day six of ciltropham i have had anxiety for a year and a half now abnd always refused meds, i was like you super confident always the first to saying yes to trying something new, THEN o had a massive panic attack feeling dizzy all the time etc refused to go out see friends spent more time at work freaking out and crying, felt like i was dying, had loads of blood tests, scan everything and never believed it was anxiety, so this time i thought f**k it i'll try them, i have not really had many side effects felt a bit sick and had a head ache, so give it a go it might just help!!! wish me luck too to getting my life back!!! xxx