View Full Version : weird noises mind chatter when falling asleep

16-09-08, 21:02
So i started taking an anti depressant and notice at night when i try to fall asleep and take it with my ativan (take ativan 3 x a day)I am still awake yet feel so out of it because i can feel myself being on the verge of sleeping yet im my head i am hearing all these sounds and mind chatter. its not like i am talking to myself or thinking about stuff in my head its random thinks as if i were dreaming yet not asleep yet but my mind thinks its asleep. I'll hear loud noises and voices not telling me to do things or anything just as if other people were talking and when i hear this it jolts me up and i freak out because i think im going nuts here. I think the ativan is very sensitive with the new anti depressant or something and together they make me feel totally out of it while trying to fall asleep. my head also twitches and it'll wake me up. This is very very scary to me. i only get it when i am right about to fall asleep . Has anyone ever gotten this before?? The sounds and voices can sound loud too like people talking outside but its in my head. this is sooo scary. am i alone with this? Help!

17-09-08, 06:24
hey holly, I use Ativan too, but only when I am or feel like I'm about to have a panic attack (of course I felt like I was going to have one earlier today and waddaya know, didn't have the tablets with me :blush:). When my doc prescribed them she said they were better for one-off use and that if I felt I needed an anti-anxiety drug for every day use she would prescribe something else. I haven't experienced any problems with it on the occasions when I've taken it, except feeling a bit "out of it".

You're absolutely not going nuts, but it may be that you're having a reaction to your new anti-depressant (what's the anti-depressant?) or a combination of the Ativan and the anti-depressant. Ativan by itself can sometimes cause hallucinations (what they call a "paradoxical reaction") in a small number of people. If I were you I'd go back to the doctor and describe your symptoms, see if they suggest a different set of drugs or if they think it will settle down. The symptoms you are experiencing are more than likely to be something to do with the meds and when you sort the meds out the symptoms will get sorted out too - they are just symptoms, you are not going mad :).

17-09-08, 07:40
I get this chatter in my head when I am just falling asleep - I always just thought that it was part of the anxiety.......I'm not on any meds though so hope it is normal (as normal as anxiety can be).

Annie x

17-09-08, 09:48
I'm sure if you've always had it then it's just part of your anxiety landscape... just thought it might be a side-effect for holly as it only began when she started taking new meds... could be wrong of course... :)

18-09-08, 11:10
That's why I don't sleep in silence.
I put a movie or a comedy on that I've seen so many times that it's comforting somehow yet boring at the same time, so I nod off.

A couple of nights ago I tried total silence and as soon as I clear my mind of everything, smoething else would pop in. Usually people saying sentences that make no sense at all or weird semi dreams about crazy stuff.

I take Citalopram 20mg a day.

Even when I was a little kid though, the pulse in my ear with my head on my pillow made me think there was an army marching to get me! lol

18-09-08, 16:26
I get that all the time...even when I was younger...
Ill just be on the verge of falling asleep (Actually its just like you said...my mind is like asleep but in not...though my eyes are closed) and I hear people having conversations...and for some reason one of them always yells at me and I jump awake.

I find it soothing though...that feeling I get...the rush of jumping awake and then going to sleep. but even though I have panic disorder this has neer really freaked me out, So I cant really relate to how it worries you, sorry. My boyfriend (Who does not have any sort of anxiety disorder) also gets this fairly often.
I am sure that you are fine. If you ever wanna chat about it though feel free to PM me ^.^
Hope that made you feel better!
Oh and by the way I also take some medicine...but only when I need it...Itake Alprazolam..but I havent noticed that this happens more when I take it...so I dunno if it is your meds.

to what tweek said...about the pulse.
When I was younger I didnt know what it was..and I thought that my pillow was trying to talk to me everytime I set my head down like..."Ouch get off me!" Lol.

23-09-08, 00:57
thank you all for replying. Those effects subsided and now i dont feel that before falling asleep. It is hard for me to sleep and stay asleep though. I am on pristiq 50mgs.