View Full Version : Hello All

16-09-08, 21:20
Hi everyone,

Thank you for occupying this site, it's a wonderful feeling knowing there are other people experiencing bad times together. I am hoping that I can get some help and support from you as I work my way out of a new panic disorder episode!

I have been having panic attacks since I was 7. Most of my fundamental memories involve having a panic attack somewhere inappropriate! I am now 26 and despite having long periods of my adult life without panic attacks I have always lived in the fear of them coming back. I want to rid of them forever and have just started my third course of CBT sessions. I believe I have the hardest road ahead and wondered if I could share with like minded people so I didn't feel so alone.

I would also feel useful helping others so I hope I can be of assistance to someone in time.

Thank you.

16-09-08, 21:21

Your not alone, I have panick attacks triggered by noise, and am due to complete my last CBT lesson in about a week.

16-09-08, 21:26
Thank you. I hope your CBT goes well. Have you found it a positive experience?

16-09-08, 21:31
It helps with some of my triggers, although I won't lie to you it does take practice, you just got to hang in there.

What are your triggers? Mine sound silly which makes me feel ashamed but I'm on here and I don't feel ashamed as I'm around people that experience the same kind of problems. Mine are the sound of loud foods, snoring and the sound of computer keyboards.

16-09-08, 21:45
How interesting! How do panic attacks feel for you? Obviously they are bad things to experience, I am just wondering how the experience from hearing a trigger to experiencing an attack feels. If it's not too personal.

I don't think I have triggers, I suppose it's situations in life that I cannot escape from without consequences such as embarrassing myself or upsetting someone I care about. Panic attacks like to hook up with depression and general stress and between the three of them, they like to beat me up every moment I'm awake!

16-09-08, 22:00
I get most of the common panick attack symptoms, such as change in my breathing, nausea, stomach cramps, shaking. I have others too such as I feel like ice but am actually sweating and the cycle tends to repeat itself if I let the sitaution progress. In CBT you should be taught how to manage your feelings so you can cope with panick attacks.

When I know that there is a trigger present that could cause me to have a panick attack that makes me feel anxious which is normally the start of my panic attacks, like today in class there were two other people on computer whilst I was being taught in the middle of the room. Do you get that too?

I hate the way panick attacks make you feel, they make me feel ashamed and silly.

milly jones
16-09-08, 22:12
welcome to our nmp family

love from

milly xxx

16-09-08, 22:16
Thanks for the word "family", mine don't support me through this, so its nice to know that there are people that we can all talk to and try to help each other. x

its all good
16-09-08, 22:19
:welcome: to nmp, just wanted to wish u luck with ur cbt treatment, i hope it helps xx

16-09-08, 22:24
Has anyone else had CBT or is currently having CBT?

16-09-08, 22:58
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, cbt didn't work for me but everybodys different and anything is worth a try , plus mine was for health anxiety tc xx