View Full Version : Anxiety x10 - on my way to panic attack

17-09-08, 01:30
I made the mistake of having a cup of coffee about 30 mins ago, my first in over three months and now my anxiety over my mole has gone nuclear, I know I shouldn't have had any caffeine but I was trying to wake myself up to write an essay for uni. My hands are shaking, my heart is racing, I feel like I'm going to cry. It's so stupid because I know it's anxiety but I can't seem to calm down. I'm so scared that I already have cancer and this mole is killing me. My appointment with the surgeon isn't for another 2 weeks. What if it is killing me in the meantime, every day a few more cancerous cells? What can I do to get out of this cycle of thought and calm myself down? Someone please please help:weep:

17-09-08, 03:05
hey leebee,
i had redbull the other day and it sent me into panic overdrive!!! i actually checked myself in the hospital thinking that i was dying, turned out i was fine just like your gonna be:) i have one coming on right now as well, so your not alone. YOU DONT HAVE CANCER! its just anxiety. it really sucks huh!
Sometimes i watch dumb comedy movies to calm me down, its hard to focus on them when i'm having an attack but just hearing them in the backround helps me out.
Remember to take a deep breath!
hope this helps!!!!

17-09-08, 03:10
thanks robertz, helps to know there's someone else out there going through something similar to me, feel like i'm hanging on my by fingernails right now

17-09-08, 03:16
i know EXACTLY what you mean. the next couple hours are gonna be rough for me and you, but we are gonna get through it!!!

17-09-08, 04:59
Hi guys. I'm right here with ya. I, too, am in panic mode, though I am actually coming down from mine. I was awakened from my sleep by my daughter's cat and found myself thrust into heart pounding, shaking, nauseous, belching, tummy gurgling, muscle twitching panic. I haven't had one of these for over a year, I think.

I have been very anxious lately about my health anxiety. I have something going on that is either neck or ear related, or possibly acid reflux, and instead of going to the doctor, I keep trying to self diagnose and now it's come to this. Why do we do this to ourselves? So silly, I know, but it's not like we enjoy feeling like this. If I could figure out how NOT to be this way, I certainly would do it.

Well, you all try to breathe and get through this. I am here if you need to talk.

I hope you are starting to calm down now.



17-09-08, 06:07
Ok, much calmer now. Partly because the caffeine has worn off - a reminder to me to NEVER take caffeine again! That was horrible. I did have a cry in the end and I think that actually released some of the tension, I managed to stop myself before I started sobbing and hyperventilating. Still feel like I'm on a knife's edge but have managed to sit and concentrate on my essay work for a good hour or so and my hands are only trembling slightly now. Slow breaths, relaxed shoulders. Good. Mole thoughts more or less under control. I haven't poked it or looked at in the mirror for a while.
Thanks so much bobbi-b and robertz for helping me out there. Meant so much to me to read comforting posts just when I needed them most... hope you guys have got through your bad patches too. Just yell if you need a friend :)Lots of hugs and a big thank you :hugs::):):):):):):):)