View Full Version : what do YOU like about yourself?

17-09-08, 02:20
be as vain as you want! :D

I like how I look! (minus when i get mild acne :mad: )
I like that I'm mostly a kind and gentle person.
I like that I adore animals and can't eat them :)
I like that i appreciate what I have and that I'm healthy.
I like how the neighbourhood kids often knock on my door to ask if i can come out to play, :D (it's so darn cute)

you have to post at 4 things! the more the better :yahoo:

17-09-08, 03:46
Hi mishel

Glad you like some things about yourself, that helps a lot:D

I hate everything about myself from the inside out, truly:mad:


17-09-08, 04:11
"Every silver lining has a cloud!!!!!!!" this shows you have a sense of humour :) .
i like that you replyed to my post and was honest!:D

17-09-08, 04:11
I like that I'm a good Mom and wife.
I like that I can sing.
I like that I care about people.
I like that I'm an honors student in college - shows me I'm pretty smart anyway.
I like other things that I won't discuss on the thread cuz it's just TMI - PMSL

17-09-08, 04:52

milly jones
17-09-08, 16:36
i like that i feel good about helping others

i like the shape of my bum, lol

i like(d) my dedication and success of my career

i like my stubborn and tenacious character which will see me thru this illness

gosh that was hard

mill xx

17-09-08, 16:51

I like the shape of my ears
I like my silky skin
I like
I like my fingers
I like my thick eye lashes
I like my hair when its wet

The Fool
17-09-08, 17:10
i like my eyes (they are odd an the shade of blue changes from day to day lol)
i like my hair (when ive used the right shampoo)
i like my figure i guess lol
i like my ability to write songs even if i do they they are crap.

wow that was hard lol

charli x

17-09-08, 17:18
Mishel this thread is an awesome idea. Erm... but thinking of four things is hard?! I shall get back to you on my four lol it may take a bit of thought. ;p

17-09-08, 17:24
I don't really like myself. It's debatable whether I grew up with Aspergers syndrome, as I have all the symptoms. It would certainly explain why I find it so hard to mix with people.


17-09-08, 17:25
great thread, well i like being a good mother, i like my green eyes, i like the fact that i am a honest person, i like the fact i am a loving person and i love the fact that i always try to see the bigger picture in all situations.

17-09-08, 18:03
I think because of our anxiety and problems we tend to always look at what is wrong with us! i'm a big believer in at least trying to be positive. if we focus on all the bad things they will inevitably appear bigger than the good stuff.

17-09-08, 18:03
wow you have green eyes donna01! aw pretty x

18-09-08, 08:59
I like........

my sense of humour
my academic ability
my artistic talents and
my determination

Pooh x

Cathy V
18-09-08, 10:28
You're right, this is harder to do this than you think! but i guess i like:

My auburn hair (still naturel at 54!) and my freckles which ive grown attached to haha!
My sense of adventure (which struggles through the illness but still there)
My smile (yes i have been known to:)
That im a good listener
That my opinion is honest even if it makes me unpopular sometimes, i only have one face not two
I like my strength, thats got me through many traumas without giving up

Cathy xxx :noangel:

its all good
18-09-08, 11:16
I like my smile:)
I like my spirit
I like the fact that i keep pickin myself up and carrying on
I like bein supportive to my friends

That was hard, its easy to find positive things to say about other people but a lot harder to take a look at yourself xx

19-09-08, 19:34
Hi...er. Yes, this is difficult.:mad:

1: I'm good at drawing with a unique style.

2: I guess I'm fairly sensitive and have a measure of empathy.

3: To the best of my knowledge I've never killed anyone or started a fight with anyone.

4: I manage to keep my temper most of the time and try to be as tolerant as I possibly

5: I've learned to get used to my own company out of necessity, even though it can be painful and testing for me.

6: I like to think I have a youthful and optimistic attitude towards life, even though I'm getting on a bit.

7: Patient. I try my best. Appreciate simple daily experiences. Always willing to keep an open mind and try to learn something.

8: I've got blue eyes and both of my brothers said I'm good looking.

9: I'm a survivor. (My shrink told me that)

10: I'm an accurate typist!

I've noticed a few people putting themselves down. Please don't. I've made a career out of doing this and every time another depressive episode descends upon me, my self-esteem and confidence goes out the window.

Perhaps we don't want to think of anything to like about ourselves because we might think we are being big-headed or untruthful or compare ourselves to other's who don't seem to have some of the difficulties we have to overcome.

In the end you've got to like. if not love yourself, and learn to forgive yourself again and again and again.

Great thread. I was scraping the barrel bottom for some answers though.:)

Best wishes out there


Cathy V
19-09-08, 21:32
Thanks Allen, yes we anxies and depressies dont have alot of self worth do we? but really...we're all fab! :D

Its a great thread coz it forces us to think about ourselves more and realise that we do have these good points and why not share them? xxxx

Hereford Al
29-09-08, 16:07
I like me because:
- I apparently have a great sense of humour and make people smile even when they are feeling down.
- I am creative and articulate.
- I think I am intelligent.
- I am great at my job (I just wish I was well enough to return to work and take part in all the crazy office banter I've missed the last 2 months!)
- People can rely on me to do something on time and to a good standard if I have said I will do it.

29-09-08, 19:34
I like the caring nature that i was blessed with

I like my appreciativeness that i have for my family

I like my ability to forgive were most wouldn't

And i like the fact that i just like me the way i am