View Full Version : Help with symptoms please

17-09-08, 09:12
Hi I have been to the docs and he has said I have acid reflux. I am taking pills and he said it may be 2 weeks till I see an improvement. It has been 2 weeks but my symptoms have changed. Apart from my fear of cancer, I am starting to think could it be something else...thyroid or something, here are my symptoms, has anyone had these????

Burning in throat
Little cough
Something stuck in throat (major symptom)
Foul taste like rotting food stuck in throat
Sore tongue
Sore Mouth
Mouth Ulcers
Tingling Tongue
Sore neck
Sore glands just under jaw
Lymph gland up on jaw on left hand side, has been up ages but feels bigger
Cold and shivery
Really, really tired no energy ( like with anemia)
Itchy sore ears deep inside
Hurts to swallow not sore but hurts.

Should I go back now or wait another 2 weeks till I finish pills. I have had this now since mid July.

If anyone recognises any of these that would be great..... Not sure what to do feel really crap and start new job on Monday.

Thank you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-09-08, 09:29
Aww hun,

all the symptoms you have just put there i am also suffering with only they started back in march, i have seen tons of docs but still no real answers, i'm just about to have an allergy test done though, i've had blood tests that all come back normal, its very weird as it seems to shift around all the time, one day its in my ears and neck, the next its sore throat sore ears blocked nose painful sinuses, its making me feel very run down, so i can understand where you are coming from, i won't accept that it is part of my anx, this is real pain and after suffering anx for 19 years i have never had this before. If you get any answers to this do please let me know as i will you.

best wishes

di xx

17-09-08, 09:41
Hi Jannnne!
I for one would be inclined to carry on taking the tablets for the period suggested by your doctor. I am sure you will start to feel the results by the end of the 2 weeks. In the meantime you really must try not to worry yourself. If you are still experiencing these things in 2 weeks then i would request that your doctor carry out blood tests as these smptoms sound fairly typical of glandular fever. I have an under active thyroid but none of the symptoms you explained are typical of thyroid disorder.
You really must try and trust your doctor and stop self diagnosing yourself as this will not help.
Hope you are feeling better soon chuck x

17-09-08, 10:38
Heya!! aww im so sorry to hear you are still having problems but if its any consalation i am going through the same thing still. Ok i dont have all of the symptoms you mention but i certainly have:

Burning in throat
Little cough
Something stuck in throat - This is the worst for me, feels like a hair.
Foul taste like rotting food stuck in throat
heavy chest and a rollercoaster type feeling sort of fluttery.

As you know we have been having a few of the same symptoms. Apparently i do not have anything wrong with my throid and antibiotics didnt make it any better. I went to see the doctor again on Monday and he said its either allergies or Acid Reflux he knows i am struggling with my HA and he said i have to trust him and there is nothing seriously wrong. Now im my head 3 weeks of these symptoms is enough. Could it be possible that you have acid reflux and the flu? I think you should def carry on taking the tablets though least if nothing you can go back in 2 weeks and say 'right what now'


17-09-08, 12:34

I have just got back from docs, I have to go for some bloods, ferritin, full blood count and thyroid. She said she would take it from there. My glands were up and she agreed I did not look well, so I am happy from the point of view that she agrees I am not well and it is not anxiety but I am very anxious now as to what it is that is wrong with me. I am so worried it might be cancer......Got to go on Friday for bloods and go see her with results. Thank you for all you support keep it comingxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-07-09, 19:57

I hope that you don't mind me bringing this post up again! What happened to your symptoms above?

Many Thanks,
