View Full Version : blip

23-05-05, 08:33

i woke up in the night for a toilet break and felt so so terrible and so negative. I haven't felt that -ve in ages. I did go back to sleep but woke up feeling so bad and had all those thoughts of, its never going to get better, i was doing so well, nothing will help, i'm stuck forever.. Just stuck with so much negativity, it shocked me. I even had a few tears and i haven't cried for weeks.
i was worried about writing here for feeling like i've failed in my progress. I dont know why i have such a problem with feeling a failure, i guess i'm used to keeping a stiff upper lip and saying everythings fine. i'm not going to write off the day yet though but I just feel so down today and hopeless.
sorry [Sigh...][:I]

23-05-05, 08:43
Hi Lisa,

There is absolutly no way that you are a failure. Youve been doing so so well and its only natural that there will be some days which are worse than others, I get them too.

The important thing is that it is just a blip, I know its hard to think rationally when you feel so down , but that fact that you reliase it is just a blip, is great.

Try to set yourself a goal today to give you somthing to focus on and anchieve, I find if I feel really down, that I try to get stuck into somthing (even tho its hard), just somthing silly like clearing out the kitchen cupboards! I find it just helps me to focus on somthing so Im not sitting and dwelling, then once its done, reward yourself with a lovely soak in the bath and some 'me' time.

PM me if you want to anytime today as im online all day, so if you just need a chat or anything.

Tatty B xx

23-05-05, 08:50
Hi Lisa

There is no need to apologise and you're not failing. Everyone has these 'blips' but you will be able to pick yourself up and carry on again. Have a good cry as this helps relieve the tension.

Remember the better days you have had recently and this shows that you are moving forward and on the road to recovery.

Hope the day improves for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-05-05, 09:15
Don't worry about having a bad day mate - even without anxiety life is a mixture of good and bad days for everyone.

I think we forget that and don't cut ourselves much slack. Its almost like we have to prove to ourselves that we've beaten it all the time - well we don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The site is here for our good and bad days and your bad days can help other people with theirs.
I agree with tattyb even though you may not feel like it give yourself a little task to complete and then even if you haven't managed not to 'think' at least you'll be pleased with having done something.

Lots of love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-05-05, 09:42

Blip, blip,blip, blip, blip..

Do something today that you enjoy- just for you

**i was doing so well** please change to I am doing so well..

Smile even if you don't want to and have some more tears if you can squeeze them out , they're calming and provide great relief.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-05-05, 09:59
Hi Lisa

It is just a minor setback hun and we all have days like that. Having a cry will also help you like Meg says.

I hope things improve as the day goes on.

You take care of yourself and have some ME time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-05-05, 10:17
hello angels,

update - i have just had a lovely bath and a thorough soapy wash. i feel nice and fresh and clean and am going to wear my flowery white shirt even though its raining. I'm feeling better already and the fact that it has only taken me a short while to start to get out of this blip is making me feel more positive. I have written myself a list of things to do today so I will post later and let you know how i got on.
I love that Meg said, **i was doing so well** please change to I am doing so well..
i forgot to expect blips.

it reminds me - did you watch I'm a celebrity.. get me out of here.. when they have to climb up that slippery mud slope.. its like you are doing so well and a big wash of water comes down and you have to hang on as hard as you can to stay on the slope!

thank you,

23-05-05, 10:19
hi Lisa,

Glad to hear that you are feeling better!! Well done hun!!

Sarah :D

23-05-05, 10:30
Glad to hear your feeling better Lisa,

I know what you mean about 'Im a celebrity' and the mud slide....i'd never thought to liken it to that before, but its so true!

Tatty B xx

23-05-05, 11:34
Glad to hear you feel better now Lisa,

I know how you feel I still get days like that. It will pass though and its just a blip.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself lots of me time.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat.

Take care

Love PIP'S X

23-05-05, 14:11
Hi Lisa,

so glad to hear you feel a bit better i know when you get these blips your first reaction is to think oh no here we go again, my blips are much shorter now than they used to be so i must be doing something right

love the muddy slope one so true lol

i must admit i used to hate having a cry felt like i had failed,
not now though i just have a good bubble anywhere lol and i do feel better for it

kairen x

23-05-05, 17:29
afternoon ladies
well i completed my list and went to see my heavily pregnant friend this afternoon.
to be honest its been a very up and down day.. i've had waves of those irrational negative thoughts and i know thats what they are - i just wish they would go. these thoughts make me feel like i'm going to die and i'm not sure how this is going to happen but i guess it must be my ultimate fear which is why its bothering me. i mean i know i will one day but i'd rather not think about it just yet!
maybe this is just an up and down day and just accept it as that.
thanks for your support everyone..

23-05-05, 17:35
hi Lisa,

We all get up and down days so don't beat yourself up over it. Just tell yourself that tomorrow will be better!!

Sarah :D

23-05-05, 17:49
Hiya Lisa,

Really glad youve got thru today ok, like sarah said, we all get up and down days, its just recognising that it wont stay like that forever and that we wont end up back at square one, which is hard to accept somtimes.

Really pleased for you that you are ok...and hopfully you can try and look forward to a new day tomorrow.

Tatty B xx

23-05-05, 19:39
Hi Lisa

We all have days like that. Well done for carrying on with your day as normal anyway and going out and getting on with things.

Hope tomorrow is better for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-05-05, 22:47
Hi Lisa

Well done you, you didnt let it get the better of you and made yourself do things that needed doing.

Trying is one of the biggest steps we can make and you did it today and didnt give up.

We should all take on your positive attitude.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

24-05-05, 03:45
Hi Lisa hun,

I LOVE what Meg said...and its sooo true--BLIP!!! (hee hee)

You have been doing so fantastically the past while, and I understand how these feelings could bring you down. BUT even though you had these negative thoughts, you took time out for you, and then got on with your day. This shows just how much progress you have made!!! Please don't let the fact that the thoughts popped back in for a visit get you down, and concentrate on the way you handled it---definitely shows that you're on the road to recovery!

Take care darling, I'll be in touch soon (very eventful weekend here in Van!)

Lisa 2