View Full Version : I got my CT scan results today:-(

17-09-08, 13:25
I suffer with health anxiety so for me this is the worst possible news. I have a meningitis fear and I know it can be a complication of chronic sinusitis so I am abit of a mess this afternoon after getting my CT scan results earlier todayhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif

I knew I had it, no dr would listen even ENT said it was facial migraines so I asked for CT scan and I am glad I did.

He said my frontal sinuses are clear but the rest of them were showing black on the CT scan which is good plenty of air passing through but some had a grey cloudy area which is a layer of congestion, he said only mild, not totally blocked up but it is what you would call chronic. I didn't see the scan results but he explained it all to me. In the end the conclusion was mild to moderate sinus disease( i think disease was the term).

I asked him about the meningitis risk and he said he had been an ENT surgeon for over 30 years and it really wasn't anything he had heard of anyone getting from chronic sinusitis and that I should not worry, ive more chance of winning the lottery aparently.

He said i had 2 options, 1 was to just use the spray which I always have done and to plod on and live my life or 2 an operation to clear it but he said it is only mild so is it worth putting myself through that distress? I am a very anxious person and the thought of an op is scaring me senseless. He said it would be ok to live with it and not have the op, he said its not vital and he knew many who lived with it. I can go back in 3 mths and he will re scan me to see how things are if I want. My septum was slightly to the right but he said he didn't think that was the cause although he siad the sinuses were worse on my right but he said still nothing to worry about.

Does anyone here have chronic sinusitis and just ive with it?it doesn't cause me pain daily, I do have a snotty nose at times, abit of a cough and mucus in throat but more than anything it just makes me worry about the complications. He did say that usually the op isn't always sucessful and these things can keep coming back. My ct scan 2 years ago was normal so he said its not been there that long probably, who knows.

I am just worried what if it doesn't go and I carry this around in my head for years and years, I am so worriedhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif Please can anyone offer me some reassurance. I am so shocked about todays result, I was so positive all would be ok deep downhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif I don't know what to think or do with myselfhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/confused.gif

17-09-08, 13:45
I suffer with health anxiety so for me this is the worst possible news. I have a meningitis fear and I know it can be a complication of chronic sinusitis so I am abit of a mess this afternoon after getting my CT scan results earlier todayhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif

I knew I had it, no dr would listen even ENT said it was facial migraines so I asked for CT scan and I am glad I did.

He said my frontal sinuses are clear but the rest of them were showing black on the CT scan which is good plenty of air passing through but some had a grey cloudy area which is a layer of congestion, he said only mild, not totally blocked up but it is what you would call chronic. I didn't see the scan results but he explained it all to me. In the end the conclusion was mild to moderate sinus disease( i think disease was the term).

I asked him about the meningitis risk and he said he had been an ENT surgeon for over 30 years and it really wasn't anything he had heard of anyone getting from chronic sinusitis and that I should not worry, ive more chance of winning the lottery aparently.

He said i had 2 options, 1 was to just use the spray which I always have done and to plod on and live my life or 2 an operation to clear it but he said it is only mild so is it worth putting myself through that distress? I am a very anxious person and the thought of an op is scaring me senseless. He said it would be ok to live with it and not have the op, he said its not vital and he knew many who lived with it. I can go back in 3 mths and he will re scan me to see how things are if I want. My septum was slightly to the right but he said he didn't think that was the cause although he siad the sinuses were worse on my right but he said still nothing to worry about.

Does anyone here have chronic sinusitis and just ive with it?it doesn't cause me pain daily, I do have a snotty nose at times, abit of a cough and mucus in throat but more than anything it just makes me worry about the complications. He did say that usually the op isn't always sucessful and these things can keep coming back. My ct scan 2 years ago was normal so he said its not been there that long probably, who knows.

I am just worried what if it doesn't go and I carry this around in my head for years and years, I am so worriedhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif Please can anyone offer me some reassurance. I am so shocked about todays result, I was so positive all would be ok deep downhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif I don't know what to think or do with myselfhttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/confused.gif

Stop worrying, you and many of us thought it was your sinuses, at least you know now. You must wait and see how it goes, sinusitis is very painful but at least it isn't something bad. Found this http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/article.aspx?articleId=338&sectionId=11

Cathy V
17-09-08, 13:57
Hi there libby. When i first started reading your post i thought you were gonna say you had some horrible incurable disease! then i read further and realised it was only your sinuses...phew! Alot of people live with chronic sinusitis, and i think most people are familiar with the pain of blocked sinuses. Some people opt for the sinus wash, which is the op you mention where they just clear them out, but most people just live with it. Yes it can be very painful, but at least it was nothing more sinister and the doc has now also released you from your fear of meningitis. Good result :) xxx

17-09-08, 13:59
Thanks that link has helped. From what I gather then meningitis can happen if it infects the facial bones.

17-09-08, 14:00
Thanks Cathy,

I know I am a total loon, I was crying all the way home, lol!

I am lucky and he said I am very lucky ive no tumours or anything so to go away and not worry.

17-09-08, 14:38
Thanks Cathy,

I know I am a total loon, I was crying all the way home, lol!

I am lucky and he said I am very lucky ive no tumours or anything so to go away and not worry.

You are lucky it is only your sinuses as painful as they are. When I was told I had a brain tumour I called in at Tesco's on the way home from the hospital to do my weeks shopping.:)

17-09-08, 20:13
Thanks Trixie,

I wish I was positive like you.

I still feel unsure what to do, I don't want the op but my anxiety is sky high now.

17-09-08, 21:22
I'm really relieved for you, libby. I know your anxiety is not letting you feel better about this, but it is a really good result: 1) You're not going to get meningitis from your sinusitis - that's what the specialist said; 2) Sinusitis is manageable, lots of people live with it, and it's not life-threatening.

I've been using saline nasal drops and steam to keep on top of the congestion with my sinusitis. I just use one or the other, or both, every couple of days or when I feel like I need it. Gentle facial massage helps too. My sinusitis does feel like its getting better now, after 10+ weeks - yours will clear one day too :).

17-09-08, 21:53
Thanks Leebee,

I am going to keep on with the spray and steaming when I get chance, hard to get time with 3 kids, lol!

I know its unlikely, my anxiety just runs away with me at times.

17-09-08, 22:02
Don't worry chuck....I am glad its only your sinuses. Nothing bad. See it like a bad cold or so. Or like Hayfever. You might be able to "wash" it out, there are apartenly some herbal things. My sister uses them, it clears it all out. Saunas and steam rooms will clear it too. Could he not just have done an Ultrasound instead of a CT, is he going to do another CT scan in 3 Months?

17-09-08, 22:06

Yes I steam often and use a spray it helps abit on my bad days.

I had to have a CT scan, he said if no better or worse he will re scan in 3 months.

17-09-08, 22:08
I am just asking because the doctors did an Ultrasound on my face and said its fine. So I am wondering if that was enough for them to see all.

18-09-08, 05:36
Hi Libby

Sinus disease and pain is the pits but try not to worry, you will be fine. I have lived with this for many years. I also had the operation many years ago. It helped me for a few months but then the congestion etc all returned. I won't have the operation again (not because it was scary) but it didn't help me so i just live with the sinus problem. Some days are worse than others. I moved from the UK to Australia thinking it would perhaps be better but evidently i picked the dryest and most allergy infected state in Australia:wacko: . I sometimes use the sprays but I find just using my FESS spray which is just really a salt solution helps immenseley.

Try not to worry, although sinus pain is yukky its nothing to worry about :yesyes:

All the best hun and take care


18-09-08, 06:12
Thanks Trixie,

I wish I was positive like you.

I still feel unsure what to do, I don't want the op but my anxiety is sky high now.

But we are all different.

You really need to put this sinus worry out of your mind, I remember having it once many years ago and it was very painful but it is not something to spend your days and nights worrying about.

On the scale of illness severities it is right down at the bottom.:flowers:

18-09-08, 13:41
Thanks very much both of you for your replies.

Hope you don't think im being insensitive Trixie. You seem sooooo positive its amazing considering what you are going through.

18-09-08, 13:54
Thanks very much both of you for your replies.

Hope you don't think im being insensitive Trixie. You seem sooooo positive its amazing considering what you are going through.

No I don't think you are being insensitive at all. As I said before we are all different.:D

18-09-08, 15:55
Thanks Trixie,

I just feel really low about it all, I am scared about having the op but sick of having sinus pain daily but whos to say it will cure it forever if I do have the op:-( My sinus pain has hit again this afternoon of 2 days not being so bad.

I wish the scan hadn't found anything, my anxiety isn't so good lately so this was the last thing I needed:-(

18-09-08, 16:02
Thanks Trixie,

I just feel really low about it all, I am scared about having the op but sick of having sinus pain daily but whos to say it will cure it forever if I do have the op:-( My sinus pain has hit again this afternoon of 2 days not being so bad.

I wish the scan hadn't found anything, my anxiety isn't so good lately so this was the last thing I needed:-(

If they offer you an 'op' and it will get rid of the pain once and for all go for it.

18-09-08, 16:05
HE did offer me the op but I told him I was very scared at the thought so he said to just plod on if I feel I can and he said as it was only mild to not bother with the op.

He said it could come back aswell so I would need a sinus wash out now & again if its allergies causing it.

18-09-08, 17:52
HE did offer me the op but I told him I was very scared at the thought so he said to just plod on if I feel I can and he said as it was only mild to not bother with the op.

He said it could come back aswell so I would need a sinus wash out now & again if its allergies causing it.

Go for it http://www.entuk.org/patient_info/nose/fess_html

18-09-08, 18:09
I am still too scared, lol!

The ENT surgeon said surgery is only done if the sinuses are severly blocked and he said mine are only mildly congested. I am still worried but from what I have read the meningitis risk is only when its severe.

18-09-08, 18:21
I am still too scared, lol!

The ENT surgeon said surgery is only done if the sinuses are severly blocked and he said mine are only mildly congested. I am still worried but from what I have read the meningitis risk is only when its severe.

You will be fine.:flowers:

19-09-08, 06:55
I just wish I could relax and stop worrying but ive woken up today in pain all on my right side:-(

19-09-08, 08:12
Oh libby, hugs :hugs:. I think I remember you were waiting for a cbt appointment, did that come through?

19-09-08, 12:19
Yes I am going into my 3rd week of it and its going well, trust me though to get this news this week, just when I thought things were looking up:-(

19-09-08, 21:24
Having an awful night, feel very worried about it all, slap mehttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

Had pain/dull ache all over the back of right ear and abit in my right cheek today, right nostril feels congested too. Worried sick its now infected or something and I am going to get meningitis, did a read on the internet (stupid thing to do) and read about meinigitis happening if left untreated and that chronic sinusitis does require antibiotics if in pain????

Can you have mucus in the sinuses but not have an infection?

I am so worried tonighthttp://www.healthboards.com/ubb/frown.gif