View Full Version : some clarification on heart issues please

17-09-08, 15:07

OK, so i know about those funny heart beats where there is a slight delay and then athud and u can feel it sometimes in the throat, but lately i have had the sense of delay thing going on and then that feeling of a rush in the heart/chest area (like when u r at the top of a rollercoaster and then you suddenly fall) but then m head also feels kind of pressured and i feel really light headed lik i am going to faint. First ime it happened i was at the airport so can accept feeling anxious anyway so this was the trigger but sometimes this happens when i am just sitting/lying still. It really scares meplease some input???
p.s. have had an ecg - wasok but could it have missed something?/

Cathy V
17-09-08, 15:28
Hi meemo. Please dont worry as it all sounds completely 'normal' as in only part of your anxiety and nothing more (no the doc hasnt missed anything honest!) The rush is the adrenaline and the reason we feel it more when we are sitting or lying down is that all that adremaline is still going around our body and there is nothing burning it off. I remember in one of Claire Weekes books that she always recomended doing some exercise when we felt these erratic heartbeats and rushes, coz it uses up the adrenaline. Not something you feel like doing when you're in the middle of an attack tho eh?

Some of us are just super-sensitive to this and its a pain, but normal for us.

Hope this helps
Cathy xxx

17-09-08, 22:54
I agree with cathy - I have had ectopics for past 25 yrs and get eveyrthing you describe. I find that keeping my potassium levels up helps reduce the ectopics. Try a banana a day.

18-09-08, 01:44
i get the same thing you do. it just anxiety try not to worry. hard i know
love debera

18-09-08, 06:32
Thanks Everybody, This Site Is A Godsend.

18-09-08, 12:24
Hi Meemo,

Yep, I also get that...also with chest pain / squeezing sensation. Totally freaky and scary sensation isn't it....

Guess we have to try to teach ourselves not to worry when it happens and just accept it as a by product of anxiety. Easily said I know.

I hope you are having a good day. :o)


18-09-08, 15:03
Thanks Dazza

Having An Ok Day So Far, Hope You Are Too?


21-09-08, 10:00
meemo thanks for posting this because tonight i had the same feelings you described, thought i needed the emergency room. your not the only one! hope that helps you a little. it really scares me too.