View Full Version : Trouble exhaling?

17-09-08, 15:07
Hi all

Does anyone have this problem - it's my worst symptom at the moment. I know many of us with anxiety have trouble breathing in - and I am a bad chest breather. But I have real problems exhaling fully - so much so that I can't walk far and end up sweating and struggling for breath when I do. And as exhaling is important when it comes to relaxing I'm in a viscious circle.

I've got a wide bunch of physical symptoms at the moment and would say I've got as close as I would like to get to a complete breakdown over the last 3 weeks - 5 nights no sleep, 4 trips to A&E, weird electrical sensations in my head and crazy muscle tension from to to bottom, sobbing and friends sitting up with me all night. I'm seeing a neurologist who's great and gradually testing me for everything possible. I had a chest xray yesterday - due to not being able to exhale - and it's clear, which is an enormous relief.

I'm really interested to know if chronic muscle spasms can stop you comfortably exhaling as well as inhaling. My lower rib cage feels as if it has a band around it and my mid back in particular is really tight.

Thanks for reading this - as always it's just reassuring to know if others share this exhalation problem.

Best wishes


17-09-08, 17:23
all i know is that when i'm having bad heart palpitations, in feel like i'm not exhaling right, inhaling is ok, then i exhale n it does feel right, my chest in throat will feel very tight

17-09-08, 18:32
Thanks for the reply - that's exactly what it feels like. It worried me because I've read a lot about not inhaling properly but not the exhaling part although I guess if you're muscles are tightened up then it can be just as difficult to get the breath out as it is to get it in.

Hope the tension releases. It sounds like it is just that.

Best wishes


19-09-09, 19:50
I know that this is an old tread, so I appologise if it is frowned upon to bump it after a year of inactivity! :blush:

That being said, Sparky, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I feel this symptom a whole lot, it's one of my "main" symptoms, and I haven't met a doctor yet that understands. They all think it's either reflux/heartburn, or indigestion...etc.

I'm have not been officially diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but my psychologist thinks that I probably have one.

Have you been able to find relief from this symptom? Or at least have a good idea as to what is causing it?

Take care,


Veronica H
20-09-09, 00:04
:bighug1: its horrible isn't it....

I have posted this advice before from the great Dr Weekes......A good exercise to stop rapid shallow breathing: lie flat on the floor or bed, bend knees and bring legs close to your body, keeping feet flat on the ground. Then place arms across chest, right hand grasping left shoulder, left hand grasping right shoulder. This produces abdominal breathing'.

The feeling that you can't breathe is caused by chest muscles tightening due to anxiety...Dr Weekes also says 'do not let it frighten you. Breathe as shallowly as you feel you must, but donot be concerned with what will happen because you breathe this way. Your respiritory centre will see that you inspire enough air, despite your effort to hinder it'.

I hope this helps.


Veronica H
20-09-09, 00:07
oops! copied this from a word file..I hope it still makes sense. I am definitely not a computer genius. If any bright person knows what I did wrong please let me know...thanks.


20-09-09, 05:00
Haha, thanks for the info Veronica, I'll give that a try. :)

As to the crazy html style verbiage....I'm completely clueless! :shrug: I've never seen coppied text do that before.

Take care,


02-03-11, 18:38
You few are the first I have ever heard of that have this same problem. I was beginning to think I was alone in this matter.. I have had it for quite a few years now and it's getting worse. I have a job that I have to speak on the phone but never have enough air to complete my sentence without coughing my head off... I cough so hard sometimes I feel like my chest will burst. I have found that if I use a Ricola it calms the cough just a bit.. Everyone thinks I am laughing when I am fighting for air... It's funny but scary at the same time.. NO ONE UNDERSTAND!! I will try what veronica suggested and see if that works.. Thank you! Jackie

18-12-13, 09:21
My god, my symptoms are exactly llike that. I have lots of trouble breathing, yet the numerous times I've broken down and been hospitalised my blood-oxygen levels are always really high. I break down a lot cause I have so much muscular tension, anxiety, trouble breathing. I'd feel better afterwards, but then the cycle would just repeat. The cycle used to be quite long, but lately it's repeating everyday. I've had x-rays, ultrasounds done, and everything is fine. Yet I feel like my body is tilted, I get the whole extreme muscle tension from head to toe.
It's december now. I had a major burnout 2 years ago (it wasn't a sudden burnout, more like a gradual slow deteriorating of my soul until my mind and body imploded and collapsed), and started getting chronic head fullness, fatigue (mental and physical), poor concentration, bad anxiety and depression. Around may and april this year my physical health got to an absolute low point, I was actually fainting and hitting the ground.
Nobody really took me seriously cause I'd look alright on the outside. Doctors would all say it's just psychological, here have some drugs that don't do ****ing shit. There are definitely psychological factors tho.
basically a round up of my symptoms: trouble breathing(especially exhaling), massive belly, tight and tense muscles all over, thirsty a lot, dry skin, can't really sweat, chronic bloating and belching, brain fog and heaviness, poor concentration, depression, anxiety. And the thing is on the outside I look ok! (although I'm sure people around me can feel the distress and pain I'm in)

Anyway, I feel your pain. I feel like I died a long time ago, but everytime I check I'm somehow still here and alive.

These few days I've been working on my breathing as well as posture (correcting anterior pelvic tilt, muscle imbalances). and although I still feel pretty shit, the difference has been absolutely amazing.

17-03-16, 07:10
hi....i too have same problem
could you please say how to overcome them