View Full Version : walking funny, head rushes and dizziness

23-05-05, 12:45
Stuff similar to this has been mentioned before i think but im worried. I get dizziness every day and when i walk i feel as if im being pulled over to one side. I sometimes have to grab onto someone or something or stop and start walking again. I also get a funny kind of numb feeling in my legs that feels as if they will collapse under me. I also feel kinda like a weird jolt up my back that makes me feel and walk funny. I constantly feel like i am swaying- even when standing still. Also, i get head rushes every time i stand up even when i get up slowly and sometimes when i am just sitting down. I have started on tablets but its only been about 10 days so far and im taking the fish oil capsules. I am scared of going out alone, although i do have a full time job so its costing me a fortune in taxi fares to get to work.
I dont really know what to do anymore. On the plus side i had a really good day yesterday- i went for a meal with my family and then went shopping. Although i think the only way i managed it was to have a couple of glasses of wine.
Anyway-thank you for listening. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Em xxx

23-05-05, 12:53
Hi Emmie,

I do honestly think that these are symptoms of anxiety (I have similar ones). It never hurts to get yourself checked out by a GP though - often the reassurance of hearing that nothing is wrong with you will be enough to kick-start feeling better.

Just think about the effects that the alcohol that you drank yesterday ad on you. If you had something horribly wrong with you then it would have made you worse. But it made you feel better, which means that its relaxant effects were working on your anxiety - this to me proves that it is the anxiety that is causing the symptoms.

I think that doing some progressive relaxation might help you. Take time out twice a day to fully relax your body and do deep breathing. This has an accumulative effect over time and you may find yourself feeling better when you least expect it.

take care

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

23-05-05, 12:56
Hi Em

Well done on going for the meal.

I've had all of your symptoms and they all sound like anxiety to me. I spent a couple of years feeling like I was on a boat constantly. I still get it now when I'm stressed too.

The jolt up your neck could be do to muscle spasms as you're so tense. Try having a hot bath, massage or both. It might help a little.

All your symptoms are commone ones of anxiety so try and not worry about them too much. Dizziness can be a big thing for lots of us.

Just focus on the good day like yesterday and keep telling yourself that nothing bad has happened to you and you will be ok.

Keep in touch


23-05-05, 13:02
Thanks for your replies!
Gareth-ive been to the doctors quite a few times about different symptoms over the last few years. Im starting to feel like a hypochondriac! lol I will have to try the relaxation thing- i find it hard to relax at all though. I always want to be doing something.

Jules- i am trying to look at yesterday as a positive step because i had a really good day and nobody would have ever believed that i get all these symptoms because i was enjoying myself. The problem is that i just wish id been able to do it without the wine but before i had them i felt really dizzy and kind of blurry headed. I think some people dont believe me that i feel the way i do because when they see me when im out and have ahad a couple of drinks i sometimes seem like theres nothing wrong at all.

Love Em x

23-05-05, 13:24
hi Em,

I get this on and off as well, nornally when feeling very anxious. I always feel like I'm being pulled to the right. These are just symptoms of anxiety and you have nothing to worry about. Well done for going out for a meal!!

Sarah :D

24-05-05, 08:36
Hi Em,

Sounds like anxiety to me - I had about three months of this last summer and I too felt I was being pulled to one side. Sure it will pass as soon as you get less scared of it.

Love Piglet

26-05-05, 19:16
I get this too - the feeling like you're falling on to one side. It's very worrying, but I'm encouraged to know I'm not alone in getting it. I'm trying to see all these symptoms as just a variation of "normal".

26-05-05, 19:26
Im glad im not the only one then! lol
I went to the shopping centre yesterday and had my boyfriend on one side and i had to walk right next to the shop windows to stop myself feeling like i was being pulled to one side! Very strange! And i nearly broke my boyfriend's arm as i was grabbing it so hard! lol

26-05-05, 20:00
Hi Emmie,

I do a lot of the hanging onto things because i think i am falling over.
I find it hard to put one foot in front of the other some days - especially on stairs !!!
Nothing bad has ever happened though, thankfully.
Hope you feel better soon.


26-05-05, 20:05
wow you really wanted to get that point axross-so much so that you posted it 3 times! lol im just kidding. Thank you for your reply Sue- im glad to hear nothing bad has happened. I guess im lucky to have an understanding boyfriend-although he thinks its sweet when i hang onto things but i just feel like punching him! lol although i dont advocate violence! lol


26-05-05, 20:10
oh my god ive just read it again and your post is only there one time now! lol i look like a weirdo! I wont waste time worrying about whether im going mad but i swear i saw your post 3 times in a row just now!!! lol[:I]

14-01-06, 18:58
hey hun
ive been feeling really dizzy n stuff lately.. i feel like my legs are about to collapse underneath me and i get the head rushes a lot too:(! its not very nice huh? i get really sharpe pains in the head too. if u wanna chat pm/email me :) xxx


15-01-06, 14:54
I can totally relate to feeling like that. I have been to the doctor a lot about dizziness, etc but it is anxiety and nothing awful has ever happened no matter how scary it seemed.

I hope it passes soon.

Annie x

01-02-06, 22:22


01-06-06, 16:50
I am new to the site but had a great question and appreciate any feedback.

I too suffer from similar symptoms and have tried many remedies and seen many doctors. I do accept i suffer from anxiety. My question however is this......the head rushes i experience at times are completely out of the blue and often during times when i am NOT stressed and otherwise relaxed...ie. watching tv or reading books(standing or sitting or walking). They are short lived and intense. Not so much that i will faint. More a balance issue as if i could stumble or fall. MRI's have ruled out major causes and vertigo has bee ruled out as well. Can anxiety hit me in such a fashion? Where i'm completely relaxed? Could these head rushes still be from anxiety?

Thanks for any advice.


01-06-06, 21:31

i get this too, and like all the other symptoms of anxiety it is not harmful.

I have spoken to various doctors and specialists regarding this and it is just something i need to accept - there is nothing medically wrong, its just my bodies way of dealing with the anxiety.

The best way I have found to deal with it is to relax, slow down your breathing and when bending down or standing up - take your time. Also try not to add to the fear by thinking that something is wrong.

Well done on the meal, you done really well


........life is for living not just for surviving

01-06-06, 23:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hiya,
Stuff similar to this has been mentioned before i think but im worried. I get dizziness every day and when i walk i feel as if im being pulled over to one side. I sometimes have to grab onto someone or something or stop and start walking again. I also get a funny kind of numb feeling in my legs that feels as if they will collapse under me. I also feel kinda like a weird jolt up my back that makes me feel and walk funny. I constantly feel like i am swaying- even when standing still. Also, i get head rushes every time i stand up even when i get up slowly and sometimes when i am just sitting down. I have started on tablets but its only been about 10 days so far and im taking the fish oil capsules. I am scared of going out alone, although i do have a full time job so its costing me a fortune in taxi fares to get to work.
I dont really know what to do anymore. On the plus side i had a really good day yesterday- i went for a meal with my family and then went shopping. Although i think the only way i managed it was to have a couple of glasses of wine.
Anyway-thank you for listening. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Em xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Emmie - 23 May 2005 : 13:45:06</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Wowee... theres another post that is word-for-word sensations I have gone through.
Yep.. thats definately classic anxiety sensations alright.

The funny thing is that often when you feel that funny sensation of being 'pulled side to side' it will not correspond exactly to your walking.

What I mean is - find a length of curb and then just casually try and walk it along the straight line.
You probably can.
That actually wierded me out even more because I couldnt figure out why it was 'feeling' like a dizzy side to side or 'pull' but yet my legs were actually going straight just fine.

But yeah, that is an odd one is it!
I have my own little 'theory' it has something to do with back muscles tensing up - combined with the extra energy in your legs and knees.

Stupid Anxiety lol!

02-06-06, 01:39
Hi Emmie

I had this for quite a long time in the past
It was awful so I can relate to all you posted
One time as I was walking in church I felt like I was so off balance that I literally tilted over and grabbed on to the pew
As I have found with this wonderful thing called anxiety, at least for me, the symps tend to rotate
Off balance, lightheadedness and then something else
Please know that you are not alone with this
Read about this in Dr. Claire Weekes' books- she gives a great and simple explanation about it
Chin up
It will pass and there is nothing wrong with you



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

09-06-06, 18:27
I didn't realise there was a sub section for symptoms as I've just posted a thread in the 'general anxiety' section about having numbness in my legs.

I can SO relate to this thread, I've had all the symptoms mentioned too.

10-06-06, 14:20
I suffer a lot with balance problems, saw an ENT specialist who ruled out vertigo and meniere's disease but some of it could be coming from my neck problem. It is more than that though, i walk into walls and stumble a lot and my head feels like it is full of cotton wool all the time, this could also be the 10mg of citalopram a day i'm on. I too get these symptoms all the time whether i'm anxious or not, linked with the unreality, not knowing who or what i am half the time and also the disorientation and disociation(sorry about the spellings if they are wrong) they really frighten me, i feel like i'm going to black out!
Angiebaby. x

10-06-06, 21:05
I recently went to the doctors about the state of unbalance I feel all the time. I described it as a feeling of motion constantly whether sitting, standing or lying, you just can't escape from it. My GP did a few basic tests in her office and then prescribed something for motion sickness which I only took for one day because they only made me feel a whole lot worse.

I really thought I was alone with this feeling but it seems that it's an extremely common problem. Thank goodness[:I]

13-06-06, 17:20
Iam exactly the same, I had to come home early from work today as I felt so dizzy, even driving home I feltl like I was going to pass out, I keep trying to say it is only anxiety but it is hard, my biggest fear is collapsing and fear of dying.

16-06-06, 23:25
I know how you feel, have been living like that for ages now. Still here though even though you don't feel like you are or that you are going to be for much longer. This is one of the worst things i have to cope with i think, it gets really bad for me sometimes, i fall over and everything. Stick in there i've been told over and over that it does get better. Angiebaby.x

expecto patronum
19-06-06, 20:23
I know exactly how u feel as well, I posted something about the same symptoms on the general anxiety board last week. A couple of people have said that ginger extract helps, I've bought some + am waiting to see if it helps.U are doing really well to be able to keep your sense of humour by the way! I know its really hard just to concentrate and take an interest in other things.

30-09-06, 22:53
I am so relieved to read the comments on this forum. I too have been suffering from the same symptoms and have been worrying that there is something seriously wrong with me! I am afraid to walk anywhere on my own in fear of falling. My legs become weak and I get a tingling sensation down my back. I also feel that my body is pulling me to one side in some way and find it a lot easier to walk if there is something or someone for me to hold onto. I try to avoid going anywhere on my own and if unavoidable, then I will drive. I also feel more relaxed or confident after a couple of drinks, which lead me to believe that this was not an illness but some form of panic or anxiety attack, even though I dont feel particulary stressed.
If anyone has any tips to help combat these feelings, then it would be very much appreciated. I am not going to let this beat me but the more I think about it, the worse I get. I have tried travel tablets (as recommended by a friend) but they made me feel worse. At least by knowing I am not alone in this makes me feel better.

02-09-07, 17:51
Oh yes I know this one well - walking round like a crab clinging on to things - I get pulled over always to the left. ghastly. trouble is you get in a vicious circle because you worry about it which then makes it worse! Treat it like all th e other panic symptoms we know so well andhave many more good evenings out.


11-09-07, 07:12
Stuff similar to this has been mentioned before i think but im worried. I get dizziness every day and when i walk i feel as if im being pulled over to one side. I sometimes have to grab onto someone or something or stop and start walking again. I also get a funny kind of numb feeling in my legs that feels as if they will collapse under me. I also feel kinda like a weird jolt up my back that makes me feel and walk funny. I constantly feel like i am swaying- even when standing still. Also, i get head rushes every time i stand up even when i get up slowly and sometimes when i am just sitting down. I have started on tablets but its only been about 10 days so far and im taking the fish oil capsules. I am scared of going out alone, although i do have a full time job so its costing me a fortune in taxi fares to get to work.
I dont really know what to do anymore. On the plus side i had a really good day yesterday- i went for a meal with my family and then went shopping. Although i think the only way i managed it was to have a couple of glasses of wine.
Anyway-thank you for listening. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Em xxx

WOW... wine ..Must be nice

Getting to reality now.Yes been there done that still happens oh, about every other day.Its called ANXIETY lol..Not making fun but really its a major part of anxiety.

Stress and being unsure and scared causes people legs to feel like rubber.

Haven't you ever seen a movie where someone was so scared they couldn't stand up or they got sick to their stomachs and threw up or they had to use the bathroom every five minutes.

All anxiety. We all have those days. I have them even now.Actually today was one of those. I went outside a bit and even went into town.

I woke sweating heart beating fast and a feeling something bad was going to happen. I went back to bed got my morning java and sit there and said "I can sit here all day cover myself with the blankets and tremble or I can make myself get out force myself to go where I need to go feel rubbery legs and hope it will go away and get done with grocery shopping and this and that shopping. " I opted to get up get going and get done.

Guess what .I got up dressed felt rubbery legs and said im going to do this whether it kills me or not. I went own wondering if i could even drive,went to town with no intention of getting anything other than I needed .

Just a quick dash through the bank drive through and then I would wait and come back later.I got to the bank went through the drive through then decided oh well don't want to come back later ill go on and go to the grocery and the other stores I wanted to.

I did I came back did somethings that I had to do at home put everything up and wondered the rest of the day if I was going to die.Its almost the next day and im posting here so I made it and you need to do the same.

I suppose the wine thing is great,but next time try to gear your mind up to say "hey nothing happens to me at home so why should it here,besides if I get ill the doctor is closer to me than home lol.

Reason with yourself and push and do it and then when you get home and finally closing your eyes think."I didn't die" but well I could tonight but then you will wake again tomorrow and you will still be alive only to repeat it again.It gets easier and easier but the key is make yourself keep going no matter what.If you are afraid push even harder to keep going and do what scares you no matter what.

Ok if you panic you will breathe slowly and deeply and you will calm yourself and remember you can always go home or to the doctor but you will be fine.Just relax and think I have been at home and didn't die neither am I going to here getting groceries or doing what I have to do .

Believe me I know what you are feeling and deal with it on a regular basis. Its getting better but its work.One day it will subside and you will be better and better and then little relapses but maybe you will be the lucky one that it never happens to again but if it does happen again you will at least have a clue how to deal with it.

Don't worry be happy you will be fine.

11-09-07, 07:13
Stuff similar to this has been mentioned before i think but im worried. I get dizziness every day and when i walk i feel as if im being pulled over to one side. I sometimes have to grab onto someone or something or stop and start walking again. I also get a funny kind of numb feeling in my legs that feels as if they will collapse under me. I also feel kinda like a weird jolt up my back that makes me feel and walk funny. I constantly feel like i am swaying- even when standing still. Also, i get head rushes every time i stand up even when i get up slowly and sometimes when i am just sitting down. I have started on tablets but its only been about 10 days so far and im taking the fish oil capsules. I am scared of going out alone, although i do have a full time job so its costing me a fortune in taxi fares to get to work.
I dont really know what to do anymore. On the plus side i had a really good day yesterday- i went for a meal with my family and then went shopping. Although i think the only way i managed it was to have a couple of glasses of wine.
Anyway-thank you for listening. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Em xxx

WOW... wine ..Must be nice

Getting to reality now.Yes been there done that still happens oh, about every other day.Its called ANXIETY lol..Not making fun but really its a major part of anxiety.

Stress and being unsure and scared causes people legs to feel like rubber.

Haven't you ever seen a movie where someone was so scared they couldn't stand up or they got sick to their stomachs and threw up or they had to use the bathroom every five minutes.

All anxiety. We all have those days. I have them even now.Actually today was one of those. I went outside a bit and even went into town.

I woke sweating heart beating fast and a feeling something bad was going to happen. I went back to bed got my morning java and sit there and said "I can sit here all day cover myself with the blankets and tremble or I can make myself get out force myself to go where I need to go feel rubbery legs and hope it will go away and get done with grocery shopping and this and that shopping. " I opted to get up get going and get done.

Guess what .I got up dressed felt rubbery legs and said im going to do this whether it kills me or not. I went own wondering if i could even drive,went to town with no intention of getting anything other than I needed .

Just a quick dash through the bank drive through and then I would wait and come back later.I got to the bank went through the drive through then decided oh well don't want to come back later ill go on and go to the grocery and the other stores I wanted to.

I did I came back did somethings that I had to do at home put everything up and wondered the rest of the day if I was going to die.Its almost the next day and im posting here so I made it and you need to do the same.

I suppose the wine thing is great,but next time try to gear your mind up to say "hey nothing happens to me at home so why should it here,besides if I get ill the doctor is closer to me than home lol.

Reason with yourself and push and do it and then when you get home and finally closing your eyes think."I didn't die" but well I could tonight but then you will wake again tomorrow and you will still be alive only to repeat it again.It gets easier and easier but the key is make yourself keep going no matter what.If you are afraid push even harder to keep going and do what scares you no matter what.

Ok if you panic you will breathe slowly and deeply and you will calm yourself and remember you can always go home or to the doctor but you will be fine.Just relax and think I have been at home and didn't die neither am I going to here getting groceries or doing what I have to do .

Believe me I know what you are feeling and deal with it on a regular basis. Its getting better but its work.One day it will subside and you will be better and better and then little relapses but maybe you will be the lucky one that it never happens to again but if it does happen again you will at least have a clue how to deal with it.

Don't worry be happy you will be fine.

30-05-08, 20:09
Headrushes are nasty with me. They put pressure on my head, feel like it's on my face too and then I get palpitations and my vision seems to go in tandem with the palpitations . . . as if there is a strobing effect.

Combined with headaches and ear clogginess as if there is liquid in there it gets me properly worried . . . had a CAT scan done and go to the doctor frequently, for peace of mind I think.

I reckon I best start the pills I was prescribed lest I allow myself to spiral into anxiety/panic town central.

31-05-08, 11:27
I had similar symptoms to this and i was told i have low b12 i was really bad with it for quite a few months before i was told it was low b12 , headaches, numbness/ pins and needles, strange eye feeling, felt like my lower half of my legs were gonna give way under me anytime they never did, sore mouth and ulcers alot,

30-08-08, 07:58
I recently went to the doctors about the state of unbalance I feel all the time. I described it as a feeling of motion constantly whether sitting, standing or lying, you just can't escape from it. My GP did a few basic tests in her office and then prescribed something for motion sickness which I only took for one day because they only made me feel a whole lot worse.

I really thought I was alone with this feeling but it seems that it's an extremely common problem. Thank goodness[:I]

:D Hi shalou74. My name is Lea and I'm from the U.S. I've been reading the posts here, and I must say that I know exactly what you are talking about. I've been through the same thing, and recently worse.

The doctor I went to diagnosed me with vertigo, which is a common problem. He prescribed Antivert, which stops the dizziness or as I sometimes call it...my major head rushes; but I literally failed at stopping the buildings from going in circles. I truly hate them, but my issue is a problem with my inner ear. I cannot walk and look up into the sky, because I look like I've been drinking. I cannot complete more than 5 circles with my eyes closed, and I'm dizzy. I also recently had a long term infection in my gums (perdontitis) that went into my throat and into my ears. I just didn't have the extra money to go back to the dentist...and as a result was taken to the ER by ambulance. I couldn't even walk. I've now been on antibiotics for the last 47 days, and there is still a little infection, and they have to switch it again to Doxicycline or Augmentin. It's horribly frustrating for me.

Here's some other things that you could try to help. When I was 21, I had a severe impact injury to my spine. We didn't go to Chiropractors back then, and it healed crooked. They are amazed that I'm not wheelchair bound. This injury also affected my neck. When my back and neck are adjusted by the chiropractor, the lightheadedness/dizzy spells stop.

So, might I suggest that you try seeing a Chiropractor? If it was not for mine, I would always be on medication. But I've stopped taking the Antivert since 'way back when.' I'm 58 now, so that says something. If you've ever had any slip/or/and falls, that could be a real help to you.

I also used to be a CMA (certified medical assistant), and worked for 8 different doctors in my career of medicine. An M.D., an allergist and 4 Ear, Nose and Throat M.D.s. Sometimes medicine is good, but unlike antibiotics, which actually kill bacteria, other medications just 'treat the symptoms.' Then there's always the side affects. I don't blame you for stopping what you were taking because those side affects can be worse then the problem itself.

I just feel badly for anyone and everyone who must put up with that.

This is my first night here, and I just registered. I know what 'panic' is like as well. I've pretty much been down the rabbit hole with many ills.

I do have another suggestion as well. I was sorta wondering if you wear glasses? If not, then it may help to know that I used to get dizzy before I got my glasses. Our eyes sometimes throw off our balance. Even if we don't notice it, it could be as simple as an astigmatism. (sp)

So, I hope everyone here feels a little better. I'll share all the medical knowledge that I have with anyone who needs it. Hugs from the U.S. to all...Lea :bighug1:

30-08-08, 21:40

what a brilliant thread, I had these feelings on Thursday I had been out all day to a theme park with the kids and put it down to feeling hungry, time of the month etc, weird feelings of being uncordinated, off balance pulled to side etc, glad to see it doesn't appear to be serious, just another aspect of the anxiety grrrr

06-12-08, 02:58
I have had this problem for years. I would feel my head rush and my heart would pound. I also would black-out and feel like I was in some other world or place. It is horrible. I get it when im at lower levels. Like when I bend down to pick something up it affects me and I used to have problems with getting out of bed in the morning because they got intense. Im starting to get them worse now with panic attacks now :(

06-12-08, 17:48
Holy cow Emmie you sound just like me!

I'm off balance all the time and am now using a cane to help me stand up straight. I lop off to the right. This has been happening to me since the 80's but has become chronic since March of 2006. I only get dizzy once in awhile (where things are tilting or the room is moving) but most of the time I feel like it's me moving. I feel horrible when this is happening and am sitting most of the time because of this. Doing dishes or vaccuming is a real chore for me and it wears me out because I'm constantly concentrating on trying to stand up straight. Looking down or up throws me off as well as dark or dim rooms and open spaces like a grocery store or even outside. I feel like I have to have something to my right to hold on to. I know it's the imbalance that has caused me to go into panic attacks. I can handle the imbalance at home pretty much because I'm in a safe place but there are places in our house where I've gone into panic attacks and now I'm not comfortable in those places (living room, bathroom and now my bedroom at night groannnn).

I mentioned in another thread that I was told by and ER doctor that I had labyrinthitis. I've yet to get a confirmed diagnosis on this since I'm not able to be working and can't afford to go to see the specialist. I did some research and I do have all the symptoms of the disorder. It's very frustrating to say the least to be on your own and try to diagnose yourself.

The past two weeks I've forced myself to go outside and walk a bit around our house. I use my cane and somedays I feel fine and other days it's very hard for me. Yesterday was one of those days. I felt exhausted and my head felt funny and I couldn't focus well and I had to keep stopping to lean against something before I moved on and I felt like I couldn't breathe. A couple of times I considered going back the way I came to get in the house as soon as possible but I made myself go on. Now I'm not talking about a long walk...it takes maybe 5 minutes max to walk around the house but it feels like a mile to me. And what makes it worse is we live on a slope!! There is no flat ground here.

Anyway after reading your posts and some of the others it's nice to know we're not alone. There are a couple of remedies I've tried that have seemed to help. I'll post them on the meds forum.

Take care and God bless :D


17-06-09, 20:59
old post but have to contribute. this doesn't happen always but has happened to me a couple of times now. when i'm walking (outside mainly, and for a stretch) .. suddenly it'll feel as though my right foot is walking to one side. or being pulled to the right. but when i look at it, i'm moving normally, it's just the feeling of it veering off or being pulled. crazy! has anyone else experienced anything similar?

09-07-09, 19:48
I am new to this site and am currently suffering dreadful attacks which are causing me to be unable to walk outdoors alone unless next to a wall or person. It started after a knee injury a few months ago and although my leg is much better these panic attacks are very scary and ruinng my quality of life.
I did visit the doctor yesterday who has prescribed beta blockers although at the moment they don't yet seem to be helping, he is also referring me for CBT.
If anybody knows of anything else or of any groups that meet anywhere in the North West of England I would welcome any help and support.
God bless and good luck to all sufferers

13-12-22, 05:00
Headrushes are nasty with me. They put pressure on my head, feel like it's on my face too and then I get palpitations and my vision seems to go in tandem with the palpitations . . . as if there is a strobing effect.

Combined with headaches and ear clogginess as if there is liquid in there it gets me properly worried . . . had a CAT scan done and go to the doctor frequently, for peace of mind I think.

I reckon I best start the pills I was prescribed lest I allow myself to spiral into anxiety/panic town central.

Do you still get the headrushes? They’re my scariest symptom, hands down. They’re on and off and I feel like I’m going to have a stroke. :(

22-12-22, 13:51
I'm glad I stumbled on this thread.
I've had a problem with dizziness for about 18 months.
Sometimes I walk the dog and feel like I need to get back home or I might fall over which makes me anxious while out, something i'd normally enjoy, and it concerns me I might appear drunk when shopping or whatever as I don't feel like i'm walking properly.
I have had an ear problem which i'm sure was the cause of the dizziness but I'm also certain that the anxiety brought on by it makes the dizziness worse.

02-01-23, 20:07
Hello I've been having this for about 2 years it started when my anxiety was high and very stressed I actually feel like I can't walk sometimes and feel like I will fall over or I lean to the one side I can't walk in a straight line most times either I worry about what people think as I look almost drunk on my feet most the time and I find myself having to sit down more the anxiety and panic ramps it up and then I don't wanna go out . I have head pressure and ear pressure too my ears are always blocked so I am going to get them syringed in the next weeks to c if that helps as it's been going on a while my doctor checked my ears and said they were very blocked but blamed everything else on my panic disorder. I know the anxiety of it all makes it worse its horrid. My eyes aren't the best either always dry and hadbto focus I am short sighted and wear glasses the headrushed are definitely panic it's from how we breathe . x take care here.to chat 😊