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View Full Version : strange throat feeling, please, guys, i need some reassurance

17-09-08, 18:10
Hi, i am here to moan again...i just started feeling this thing today and i am going crazy with fear, i just don't have a clue what it is!
I was sucking a tablet at one point today and realised the bas of my tongue aches a bit or rather feels strange when i suck harder, when it gets pulled i guess...i flipped out, cause i have a breathing fear, so everything that could have anything to do with breathing freaks me out. so i started thinking about it and of course i started feeling like i can't breathe.
Anyway, i still feel this strange feeling in my throat, well i don't know where to place it, really. On the outside it is right at the bottom of the chin where the neck would start and it feels like a tight feeling, maybe strangling feeling a bit, and on the inside it is right at the base of the tongue, around it cause i am not sure if it is on the top side or the bottom side or both...it feels funny there, like an irritation or a bit achey, i don't know...and it feels worse when i eat...i fi don;t move my tongue or anything it feels better although i can still feel it. Sorry for such an elaborate explanation lol I am just so so worried about this, and wonder if anyone had felt this and if it could be tension or something else....Thanks xx

17-09-08, 18:41
Millie, I've had a strange pain exactly where you describe it - just underneath my chin. I thought this was really strange! I've also had a tight throat and a feeling that my tongue was tightening. I even tried to poke it out and it didn't feel like it went out as far as it should.

Some of my muscle tension has released over the last day or so (hoping it will last!). This might be due to citalopram but I think it's more likely to do with seeing a good neurologist who's putting my overactive mind at rest and seeing a psychotherapist this morning. Even talking to her for an hour helped A LOT and I've been suffering from every anxiety-related physical symptom you can imagine - like a permanent bad panic attack that's lasted for months.

Anyway, Millie, now the muscle tension is easing slightly I don't have the chin and throat and tongue problems. I can even poke my tongue out a long way (!) The trick is going to be to find a way to keep on top of this tension and my anxiety.

Hope this helps and makes some sense to you.

Best wishes and hope that tension eases just a bit.


17-09-08, 19:24
Hi Sparky, thank you, it does help reading your post...
It is so frustrating when it's so hard to even explain how u feel.
I just had some food and it started to feeling strange when i'm swallowing, like my throat will freeze up or close up and i won't be able to swallow at all or breathe or anything so i stopped in the middle of my food...

17-09-08, 20:23
Ok Millie, no need to stop eating.

I've been to A&E too many times to remember over the last 3 weeks and at one point it felt like my throat was closing over. In fact it felt like it was veering off to the right and I thought I could see it sort of twisted in my neck. This was not the case however. It is VERY UNLIKELY that your throat is closing over. The way it was explained to me by a very nice doctor at St Thomas's is that my nervous system is misfiring - my throat might feel like it is closing over, I might feel like I'm having a stroke or my head is about to explode, I might have electric shocks in my palms and all down my body but this is my nerve endings playing nasty tricks on me. All part of anxiety and that sympathetic nervous system thinking it's under threat when it's not.

Try and trust your body. I've had the works over the past few weeks. I even wrote a letter to my family because I was convinced in the night that I was going to stop breathing and die. But I am still here and I now know how resilient our bodies really are. I'm no medic but I've learnt a lot in the last few weeks and you're fine and you're not going to have any longterm affects from this. Try and slow down. I do everything a million miles an hour because my body is 'wired' and I have to stop myself dashing at everything including eating. Eat slowly. Be mindful of how quickly you're probably doing everything. See if you can relax your muscles (head, neck, throat and shoulders) just a little bit in between mouthfuls. You only need to take small breaths - don't force it.

Sorry if I'm being prescriptive here but it's what's started to slowly help me in the longterm and I know how horrible these symptoms are.

Keep telling yourself you'll be fine, Millie. How long have you had this and you haven't konked out yet...

Take it easy on yourself and have a virtual hug from me (!)


17-09-08, 20:53
Sue, thank you so much trying to comfort and reassure me, it means a lot. i am trying to calm my thoughts about this, i know i have felt different things many times that have felt so real and horrible, but they weren't...it is still scary, i haven't actually felt something like this before, i did have a lump feeling often but never felt like this when swallowing or this thing in my thraot, that is why i am so scared...

17-09-08, 20:58
I have a problem of my throat always feeling clogged. I sound horrible especially on the phone, which I am a lot at work. I have an appointment Monday. I am sure its nothing. Just irritating to say the least.

17-09-08, 23:17
thanks for sharing this, sheryl, i so wanna think it's nothing and not get scared...
it still feels the same and i am dreading going to bed.

30-10-08, 20:49
I just found this post - and I have EXACTLY the same thing. A weird ache at the base of my tongue, which is worse when I move it in a certain way...... and it sometimes feels like the floor of my mouth near my chin aches too... It is such a weird feeling, difficult to pinpoint. Of course I've had a good look and poke around, but I can't see or feel anything..... Maybe it's just a strange manifestation of tension??