View Full Version : Omeprazole

17-09-08, 19:14

Has anyone had any side effects from taking omeprazole?. I have bad acid reflux and was taking ranitadine but Dr has recently changed me to omeprazole. However, I've started feeling very dizzy and lightheaded today, but dont know whether its the drugs or the usual axiety symptoms.
I was on lanzoprazol for a while, but came off them because of side effects. Trouble is, they do wonders for the acid/indigestion etc, but I cant stand this dizzyness.

17-09-08, 19:28
Hi Judi,

I take omeprazole occasionally. I havent had any side effect. I do get dizzy when my acid reflux is really bad. but it goes after the meds.


17-09-08, 19:30
I cant say that I've suffered from any.

Although I must admit, I only take one when I'm a bit acidy. But I have been prescibed a regular one a day dosage from now on.

As you say, it is difficult to distinquish as to whether it's the medication or anxiety in general that causes the dizzyness. I would put money on anxiety.


Captain America
17-09-08, 21:46
actually i get it when on any ppi. i bloat, get light headed (i described it to the doctor at one time as the ground actually looking closer than it usually does).
yeah it helps with the acid, but i get bloaty and palpy. i hate them. anything in the 'ole' family. did okay with pepcid and zantac (the 'ine' family.)

actually my whole anxiety experience started with those things. last year all i had was a stomach problem. the ppi's made me worse, gave me palpitations, so i started to worry about my heart. it was all downhill from there.

17-09-08, 22:52
If you can stick to the "ine" family the H2 ihibitors they are not as powerful but have much less side effects than the "ole" ppi drugs. Also the ppi drugs stop you producing acid full stop which for long term use is a bit questionable and I have been told by a Dr that once you start on the ppi then its usually for good as if you try to stop you get worse acid as your body over produces it.

I have taken pepcid for 12 yrs for hiatus hernia and they work fine but I do still have to be careful what I eat. Not too much liquid on an empty stomach or I suffer for days.