View Full Version : feeling sick when out clubbing

17-09-08, 21:11
hi everybody i have anxiety iv had it for years and im at that point i just can't cope with it anymore im only 20 years old and im not living my life to the full like any other person my age i need help!! everytime im out clubbing with my friends i feel sick i have like one drink and i have to run to the toliet to be sick and i hate it its messin my life i stoped going out for a while but my friend asked me to go out friday and i can't say no i dont want it to mess my life up anymore than it has is there any kind off tablet i can get from the chemist to stop be from being sick any help would be really great thanks xx

17-09-08, 21:40
don't mean to sound harsh, but if drinking makes you sick then dont drink! i don't drink anymore when i'm out because of my medication and anxiety. if people offer me a drink i'll tell them i'm on antibiotics.
i'm 22 so i know how it feels when you see how life is going for everyone,

17-09-08, 23:34
I used to set myself targets, a couple of times a year I'd set a target of "no alcohol for 1 month" or "no alcohol for 2 months"... just to test my willpower.

I'd still go to the pub, but I'd drink soft drinks. A pint of blackcurrant & soda water with ice... or pint of OJ & lemonade.

18-09-08, 10:41
you don't have to drink when you go out its more acceptable these days to be teetotal! However if you are worried about the throwing up thing, I would go see the GP & talk to them about it. They will probably advise you to stop drinking but might be able to do a blood test or something just to make sure your not allergic to anything. x

18-09-08, 12:15
Try Motilium, from the chemist. It's an anti-emetic (stops you being sick). And don't drink alcohol, cos it can irritate your stomach lining, and make you feel sick. x

18-09-08, 12:55
Life is too short to put ourselves through that kind of stress.

If you don't like clubbing don't go. Not everyone does.

Maybe try and find something you do like doing. That way you come out of it with something positive. You aren't wasting your life - you just need to alter it a little.

Best of luck.

18-09-08, 14:09

I have two freinds that CANNOT drink. One is the same as you she is just sick after a drink, and the other can spend upto 24 hours after a night out being sick. ALL DAY. Its just not worth it, she only drinks very rarely because its just not worth is for her to waste a day.

She still comes out with us and has a good night and we all know that she doesnt drink well so dont buy her shots/drinks and she has no worries about saying im not drinking tonight.

Im really poor at the min lol, just finished uni so I cant afford to drink and although at first it wasnt as much fun at first I now quite enjoy going out with my friends and not drinking, saving cash and feeling fine the next day!

I really dont think your messing up your life! Is it all drinks or just certain things?? I cant drink wine very well :/ i often feel ill after a couple of glasses!

Also is it the drink or the anxiety?? I know I used to go to Gatecrasher in my first year and was almost always sick because it was so busy i'd get all flappy and lock myself in the toilets!! Horrid!

Any time ya wanna chat im here! xx

18-09-08, 14:47
its not the drink thats doing it its my anxiety even if i go out as soon as i go in to the pub or a club i feel sick or when am workin or at college n if i go dizzy with anxiety iam sick alot aswell so its not the drink i just need somthing to stop me being sick n i love clubbing its just when all my friends are havin a great time and im in the toliet being sick n a hate it n am not goin to stay in when they are away clubbing when a should be living my life to the full and when i try to explain it to them they just dont understand

18-09-08, 22:35
i had similar when I was your age. I found it helped to explain it to my closest friends and tell them how to calm me down (reassure me I wasn't going to die basically!). I always made sure I had money for a taxi home and that I stayed reasonably compus mentus, so I felt in control. that way I could leave when I wanted, and so the urge to leave wasn't so great.

What exactly makes you anxious - the other people, the heat, etc etc? If you can figure out your trigger than it makes it easier as you can rationalise it in your head. Sometimes I would just meet everyone in the house or a pub before they went out and then meet up afterwards - didn't really miss much in the club and saved money! Then I got a job in the cloakroom of a club, so I knew everyone who worked there - when I went there on nights out, I got to jump the queue, got in for free and felt fine - result!

Try different tactics and see which one works for you.

20-09-08, 19:09
what makes me feel like that is when am a go into the pubs or clubs a just feel soo nervous but when am in the house drinkin or whatever im fine but when i was younger like about 13 or 14 i toke these dizzy turns alot like about 4 tor 5 times a week missed alot off school and i hated takin dizzy when i would go out with my friends i felt like that and had to come home but i started not goin out with my friends and thats when i started gettin anxiety tahts the worst thing i have ever done in my life is stay in but now im puttin my mind on gettin better and i know what to do now cause i was out clubbing last night and i was sick so im not getting like that anymore getting over it once and for all xx