View Full Version : help

23-05-05, 13:34
Hi everyone,

Just need your help, Im at work having a really bad panic attack, really feel like I cant breath, freaking out.

Need some words of reassurance please.


23-05-05, 13:56
go if you can find somewhee to sit quietly and do your breathin in for 2 out for 3 tell your self all the time your ok your doing fine keep calm, with each breath out try and let your body relax a bit

pm me if you want

kairen x

23-05-05, 16:11
its okay Loopy i just had one out in the car with my daughter just tell yourself nothing bad will happen and it cant harm you slow your breathing down and ACCEPT you will be fine.

23-05-05, 16:25
hi Loopy,

Breathe really slowly and try to think about something that you really love. Keep reminding yourself that it can't hurt you. Hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah :D

23-05-05, 18:17
Hi Loopy

Sorry to hear that you had a panic attack, are you feeling better now?

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

23-05-05, 20:42
Are you ok now Loopy? :D

23-05-05, 21:42
Hi Loopy, just read ur post. R u ok now. The main thing is the breathing and tell yourself you will be ok. Try to focus on something nice.

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-05-05, 22:39
Hi Loopy

Sorry i wasnt around to replie earlier. I hope you are feeling a bit better.

It is horrible when you feel like you have as all you need is some reassurance and i do understand like everyone else on here does as we have all being through it.

We are all here for you and hope you are feeling calmer.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.