View Full Version : Help/Advice?

17-09-08, 23:03
Sometimes i'll be sitting in class and get this massive wave of anxiety, litterally it feels like someone hits me with it, and i feel like "wow, where am i?" and i know where i am, but everything seems weird, like i dont feel apart of it, and soemtimes ill be thinking and look around and i just feel...i dotn know how to explain it, i guess like i ask "what is this?" its so weird! and i hate feeling liek this! is this anxiety? am i crazy????????? does anyone else experience this?

milly jones
17-09-08, 23:07
yes the heat flows over u and u start to breath fast, u becomre aware that ssomething bad is going to happen

yes hun, get it regularly, its anxiety

love milly xx

18-09-08, 00:04
ya is anxiety I think it's an adrenaline rush, like if you see some one almost get hit by a car you get that wave of heat, your tummy turns, you take a sharp breath and for a few seconds the world can appear different , maybe time will appear to slow down, your thoughts may race and you might get tunnel vision!
all caused by adrenaline! so don't worry your not going crazy, x