View Full Version : Talking and Listening

18-09-08, 02:26
What is love?

How can we say we Truly love someone when we can't love all that makes them who they are?

How can you say you love someone if you've no time or patience to listen when they're feeling afraid and in need of comfort?

How can you love someone if the person you say you love feels they can't turn to you because of the way you react?

How can someone you say you truly love feel able to share their darkest thoughts and feelings?

If people don't Talk to each other, how can either learn to understand how the other feels?

If people aren't prepared to take the time to Listen and Try to do what the other needs, how can that be love?

How does sweeping things we're not prepared to even try to understand under the carpet help our loved one who is suffering?

How can 2 people create a close bond with who should be their "closest" friend if each party closes up shop and is not prepared or feels unable to share?

If I can take the time and patience to try to understand my wife with her schizophrenia for going on 18 years, why can't others who have so much more love and affection in their lives than me, not take the time to Listen and try to understand their loved one who needs them because they're afraid?

Impatientness, turning your back, hoping your loved ones anxiety will simply go away and not being prepared to help them through their fears, how can that possibly be loving them?

How can it be love when they're not prepared to love All that a person is including their anxiety?

If you truly love someone, you love and support them when they're well AND when they feel ill.

Why do couples end up at RELATE in counselling? Because they've forgotten the art of talking and sharing with each other. They've forgotten the meaning of Love.

If you're afraid, you should be able to talk to your partner and in return they should be prepared to listen. A partner may feel helpless and not knowing what to do to help. They may need Telling what is needed. If they then aren't prepared to offer what is needed, then how can they say they truly love you........and not just for the bits they like???

Talking, Sharing, Listening, Patience, "trying" to Understand, providing what is Needed, Loving, Caring, Trust..............are all needed to create a close bond.

My parents were married for nearly 60 years. These days I fear this will be a rarity because it seems to me people won't Talk, won't Share, are not prepared to take the time to Listen and not prepared to support their loved one who is afraid. Why? I just don't know!

Why can't we learn to love each other "Truly"?

What is life all about if love is lost through neglect?:hugs:

18-09-08, 14:16
well said bill you took the words right out of my mouth
love debera:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

milly jones
18-09-08, 15:04
bill even if u talk till the cows come home some ppl are just not prepared to listen

they bury their heads in the sand and hope that it will go away if they ignore it long enough

and even if u can get them to stop and listen, they argue back, and shout, and judge so thqat u feel like a flower withering without care rather than a bud opening up in the sunshine

for me holding it all in is the only was to keep peace in our house

im fortunate that i have regualr hospital sessions to unload my fears, and some very good friends who i know care for my feelings

hey, gosh thats me, milly jones, with good friends, a bit different than 6 months ago, before i joined nmp

thanks everyone

so although the 'i love u' words are there, i dont think the 'in sickness and in health' words didnt include mental instability

sad really, that for me it would be better to have a physical disability than a mental one, to gain incite into my pain

mill xxx

17-04-10, 22:58
Where is Bill?I miss his posts:weep:

Veronica H
18-04-10, 13:27
:bighug1:Hi Bill. Words of wisdom have been missed.
