View Full Version : Panic from pain

18-09-08, 09:12
I'm not sure what forum this should be posted in but here goes. Perhaps somebody can relate. I am off work at the moment as I have hurt my back. There is very little I can take in the way of pain relief apart from paracetamol and valium. There are a number of reasons for this. NSAIDS anti inflammatories like voltarol interfere with the lithium and are a complete no no, anything with codeine in it makes me very very sick. Other pain relieving drugs like morphine and pethidene and tramadol (only found out about that one on Monday make me so ill, very sick giddy for hours. This might be because during the 1980s and 1990s I relied heavily on pain killers because I had chronic pelvic pain. I worked my way through them all as they ceased to work I just tried something else. Most made me very sick. I've been in hospital recently and they gave me morphine but loads of anti sickness meds. I was still sick so they gave me more. I was only sick once plus I had IV fluids so I didn't become dehydrated. This cannot happen at home. This is when the panic comes in What if the pain becomes unbearable at home? Heats helps as well as my TENS but you can't wear it all day you need to have breaks from it. Pain is exhausting as well. I dont feel ilke doing anything and feel low and depressed. So the answer is not to panic or the pain will get worse. It is difficult trying to keep a lid on it. I'm going to try to see if I can have some osteopathy in the next few days.

18-09-08, 10:53
Roll a towel up and put it under your chin and squeeze it into your chest with your chin as hard as you can. DO NOT push your head with your hands, put them by your side or on your chest, NOT the back of your head.

It fixed my back ache totally and instantly. It's a trapped nerve cure thing. Sound like rubbish but try it. It pulls your vertabrea apart and releases any trapped nerves.

Also lie on your face on your bed, with your toes over the edge and pull with your toes to achieve the same pulling on the spine effect.

It won;t injure you in any way and might totally cure you.

Have a try mate.


its all good
18-09-08, 11:04
Try and do something that keeps ur mind occupied. Read, listen to music, write a poem or summat. Afta i had my op i was as high as a kite on painkillers but the pain was still there. I found keepin my mind busy helped me to stop focusing on the pain xx