View Full Version : Not a good day

18-09-08, 11:41
I am having the worst time today, all I have done is sit and cry.. I feel so poorly and am really scared my neck glands are up under my chin and in my throat. My neck hurts and I can feel a lump when I swallow I am so scared I have cancer in my tongue, neck or mouth somewhere. I am going for blood test tomorrow and have brought my dental appt forward am not sure if this is doc or dental. Got to go next Thursday for blood results. Do you think I should ask to be referred to ENT?? I just can't think what else it could be it has been going on since end of July and is worse if anything than it was. I feel so down and can feel my grip on my anxiety slipping. I so don't want to get frantic about this but I am completely fed up with it now.

18-09-08, 12:16
Jannnne, I'm sorry you're having a bad time right now. Have a hug :hugs:.

Did your doctor examine you when you got the blood tests? What did they say? Does your throat hurt, or your neck? It could be acid reflux, or an infection of some sort, as you think your glands might be up. Lots of people have reported long, drawn out, low-grade but long viral infections this year (including me!).

The anxiety will be bringing on its own symptoms and making you feel worse. It sounds like you're doing everything you can to find out what it is. I know it's really hard, but try to relax and ease up on yourself until you see your dentist/doctor and get the blood tests. It's really, really unlikely to be anything other than acid reflux/an infection of some sort with a dollop of anxiety on top - really, really extremely unlikely to be anything like cancer. Honest :).

19-09-08, 01:48
so sorry to hear that, hope your feeling better!:)