View Full Version : The things I hate most about anxiety...

18-09-08, 11:41
Please feel free to add all of your own pet hates about anxiety : ) sorry to have a whole thread dedicated to ranting but feeling a bit grrrr:mad: this morning.

I hate:

The fact that you have to constantly let your friends down by not being able to do things they've organised.
Ordinary activities, eg. going to tesco, suddenly are like climbing everest backwards with an elephant on your back.
The feeling of no one understanding (being lonely, until you find nmp of course :) )Sorry again for ranting but have had to stand my best friend up three times this week for feeling ill and shes leaving for uni on saturday :weep: I feel like a rubbishy friend.

18-09-08, 11:48
Oh poor you Di, I know how you feel. When I am poorly it is so hard to do anything. I have felt the housework and walking the dog were my everest today. You are not a rubbish friend I bet you are a FANTASTIC friend.

I hate.....feeling frightened all the time
feeling self obsessed and disconnected and not being able to do anything about it.
I really hate it when it just begins and I know whats ahead and how hard it is to stop it.

Keep your chin up I am sending you lots and lots of really big hugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-09-08, 12:05
dizzydi, jannnne, totally know how you feel :). Wish I could stop being anxious about my health for a while! I have recently realised that I've spent most of my life being anxious about something or other... it's just the what that changes. I hate... obsessing and fearing every little ache, pain, MOLE, bout of dizzies, etc and THEN obsessing about the anxiety symptoms that are caused by the obsessing! Wish that I could just make the the anxiety chatter shut up and get on with my life.

18-09-08, 16:10
Thanks so much both of you, you made me feel much better about this. :hugs:

18-09-08, 21:51
I hate it all.

I always wish there was a switch that could turn off the way i think about things.

p.s Hi, I'm new :)
and i'm sure yor friend will understand.

19-09-08, 16:24
Awwh Di
We all feel like this, you're not alone
Sounds like you did well this week with what you said on your pm to me:D
Sending you big hugs to make you feel better

19-09-08, 16:37
My biggest gripe is being constantly scared silly, and the thought that i might not be here in 6 months etc as i have something seriously wrong with me. I just want to be happy again
