View Full Version : Hi all, so happy to have found this site.

18-09-08, 11:52
Hi everyone,

My names is Darren and I am 35.

I've been suffering from high anxiety and depression for the past 4 months.

I moved to South East Asia at the start of June, in order to be with my partner, but was flown back to the UK at the end of August by the travel insurance company due to my ill health (I have been diagnosed with multiple arrythmia - irregular heart beat). Other than the irregular heart beat the doctors couldn't find any major irregularities with my heart.

My anxiety related directly to this, as I get many physical symptoms, and sometimes feel what are like heart attacks. I am living in constant fear of having a heart attack. My friends are trying to reassure me that I am in a cycle of anxiety and panic attacks.

I'm seeing a cardiologist here in the UK within the next 3 weeks, so hopefully they will get to the bottom of it all. I'm getting counselling at the moment which is helping a little, and I am also going to try hypnotherapy.

I find that reading forums on anxiety and panic websites helps me to feel less alone in my head, and so I am so happy to have found this website and the sense if support and community that it provides.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope that you are all doing well today, and feeling supported in your anxiety.

Have a peaceful day.

Darren :)

18-09-08, 12:21
Hi Darren,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much help & information here.

All the best :D

Cathy V
18-09-08, 13:03
Hi Darren, sorry to hear this got the better of you. Ive suffered with missed heartbeats and flutters off and on most of my adult life and had numerous tests done all negative fortunately. Its a horrible feeling and unbelievable that its only an anx symptom yes? Ive more or less learned to live with it and have developed my own coping strategies...usually involving a large glass of red wine (not to be recomended if on meds tho!)

I hadnt had any problems with it for quite some time and then like you i moved out of uk to be with my chap in germany. Within 3 months i was suffering from high blood pressure, after a lifetime of normal to low bp. I had major headaches which were diagnosed as migraines and i was pescribed beta-blockers. I just seemed to go downhill from there. My weight increased so none of my clothes fit me, i had stomach problems constantly going to the loo, and the ectopics returned with a vegeance. Even tho the betablockers were supposed to slow my system down i was a nervous wreck!

But then i had a good chat to my doc and the other members on this forum and realised that most of the ill health was down to me. I was excited to come here to be with my partner but so sad to leave my family behind. I didnt know the language and felt very lonely. I started to drink more and more so no wonder my health was affected. Im much more used to it here now and its a lovely place to live and i fly back to see the family on a regualr basis and this has helped with my confidence too. I still have to take meds for the bp but the rest of me is so much better now and im much more on top of the anxiety.

I found this forum in may and havent really looked back. Through all the good advice about meds and anxiety ive gone from strength to strength to strength, with only the occasional blip...but life is full of blips for everyone not just us anxies!

Keep posting and talking to us and im sure you'll find the strength to fight this too. Good luck with the cardiologist. I'm sure the tests will be negative.

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

18-09-08, 17:00
Hello Darren And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
18-09-08, 17:37
a wonderfully warm welcome to our site

hope u gain as much peace from nmp as i do

milly xx :hugs:

19-09-08, 21:30
Thank you all for your lovely welcome.

I've already had some really useful information from fellow sufferers and some wonderful support. I hope that I can give some back in return.

This website is great! :o)

Cathy V
19-09-08, 21:55
Hi again Darren, well we dont have absolutely all the answers, but btween us we know a fair few hahaha! and you're doing great let me tell you. Ive read some of your posts and you are really helping people too.

Cathy xxx :yesyes:

19-09-08, 23:19
Welcome from me too!!!

20-09-08, 00:04
:welcome: dazza,
hope you find everything that youre looking for on here,
hope we can help xx
thinker xx

20-09-08, 01:29
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh xx

20-09-08, 22:45
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here with us.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.