View Full Version : Introducing myself

18-09-08, 12:33
My name is Helen and I'm finding it hard not to cry while I write this...in fact I'm crying! The reason, I think, is out of relief to be on a site where there are other people openly discussing something I've suffered with for so long...I feel very shaky but the tears are subsiding...for now(no doubt I'll be off again in a minute - it doesn't take much these days!!!)
I've been suffering from fear anxiety and panic in its many varied and ever suprisingly new and original forms for over 20 years. I went to get help a few times but the first time I didn't trust/feel comfortable with the male counsellor they gave me and the second was taking me down the whole mental care route which seemed so long and drawn out and at the time I was younger and afraid of the whole process and where it might lead. ironically, if I'd gone that route (about 10 years ago) I may not be sat here writing this now, but hey, I am and I'm pleased to have found the site.
I've usually been able to get on top of my fears somehow - breathing related has been the most consistent but irrational fears of bizarre things as well as death/heart attack/stroke etc are all also included in my extensive repetoire! I've often used alchohol to help which I know is not good but also, just taking my mind off it by doing something else has usually worked eventually. Now however I seem stuck in this awful cycle of fear which is swallowing/tongue related (Ok, stop beating around the bush Helen...I'm afraid of swallowing my tongue!) I know it's irrational but now I've focussed on it I just can't seem to shake it(this one's been plaguing me on and off for a few years but never to this extent). It's been about 2 weeks now and is really really getting me down which is what has led me to this website.
Im living in a spain at the moment (I moved here 2 years ago on a search for a better life but it hasn't really worked out as I planned!) and can't return untill next year because of my daughters schooling. I have no real friends over here and live on my own with my daughter so I'm feeling very alone and isolated. I've had a lot of stress over the past 2 years, including moving house 3 times, having to sell my house in the UK, money worries and my son returning to the UK recently to study as there are no oppurtunities for him to do that here. The 3 of us are very close and it's been a dreadful wrench. It's hard to get medical advice because of the language barrier - even at the private clinics, which are very pricey, the english spoken is limited (understandable really, it is Spain afterall!) which makes me feel really reluctant to go with a problem such as this (it's hard enough telling your english doctor that you have such bizarre notions going on in your head!). I'm in Nerja near Malaga so if anyone can point me in the dirrection of someone who can help I would be very grateful - I don't drive so can't travel far.
I'm sorry that this is so long, I know that many others have far worse problems and circumstances. I just wanted to give a brief account of where I'm at and, yes, ask for help and support from anyone who feels they can offer it. I just feel at the end of my tether - I have to focus away from my mouth and my throat but it's so difficult, it feels like it's taking over my life. I'm not working because I don't feel I could cope with it. To be honest, just making myself go to the local shop is hard enough because of the feelings of fear/stress that come over me when I go out.
Please get in touch as I'm sure I can offer support (especially with my extensive experience!) as well as, very gratefully, accepting it :) I truly look forward to getting to know anyone who wants to reply. Thanks and keep smiling :) Helen.

18-09-08, 12:51
Hi Helen,

Welcome to NMP!!

Glad that you have found this great online support community! I hope that it provides you with the advice and information that you need to alleviate your condition. We all know how awful it must be making you feel.

Have a good day.


18-09-08, 14:22
Hi Helen,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is a lot of help & information here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

Veronica H
18-09-08, 14:55
Hi Helen
:welcome: Glad that you have found us. I am sure you will find comfort and support here.


18-09-08, 16:47
Hello Helen And Welcome Glad You Find The Site, You Are Not Alone, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
18-09-08, 17:40
a wonderfully warm welcome to our site

hope u gain as much peace from nmp as i do

milly xx :hugs:

20-09-08, 02:34
It's hard to get medical advice because of the language barrier - even at the private clinics, which are very pricey, the english spoken is limited (understandable really, it is Spain afterall!) ... I'm in Nerja near Malaga so if anyone can point me in the dirrection of someone who can help I would be very grateful - I don't drive so can't travel far.

Hi Helen. I am Spanish. I may try to help you but I don't know how much Spanish you speak. You have free psychotherapy in Málaga (individual and groups) but it's in Spanish and Nerja is a bit far but not that much. I don't know exactly what you are looking for. The place where they offer these free therapies is:

Telefono de la Esperanza (like The Samaritans)
Tel: 95 226 15 00

You can call 24 hours a day for a little conversation, and they can inform you on their therapies and courses. There are many people suffering anxiety too or feeling lonely and isolated in their illnesses and situations. I know they work very well and for free.

If you need something in English it will be harder and probably not for free, but la Costa del Sol is full of foreigners and there is everything in English available.

Try to call them anyway and see what they can say. For sure some therapist of them speaks English. They are all volunteers and very kind people.

All the best and feel free to ask anything.

Melanie Crook
20-09-08, 22:17
Have you read Claire Weekes books. Your fear of swallowing your tongue is not unusual. Its all part of the obsessive thoughts that accompany anxiety. I found my obsevive thoughts switched. Id get free of one horrible thought after dealing with it for months to find it replaced with another. They all seen to be terrifying esp the ones associated with death but they are all the same. A very frightening thought in a very tired mind. Don't fight them. By reading the Claire Weekes books she explains everything and understanding is the key to the cure.

20-09-08, 22:25
Hiya Helen, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here with us.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting and talking to us about your fears and we will help you as much as we can.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


29-09-08, 09:54

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x