View Full Version : Im not sure if im in the right place

Wee Lisa
18-09-08, 13:04
.......but ive just chucked my job, am fighting with my husband......and feel as low as i was last year when i took an overdose.

I cant see any way forward..........i dont even know what im doing half the time, but am sick of being doped up on stupid tablets.........which only seem to make me put on weight and make me see the world through a glass window.

Sorry if this doesnt make any sense...........im not very good at explaining myself.

18-09-08, 13:10
Hiya Lisa,
Sounds like your having a tough time of it ! Maybe sharing your troubles and worries on here with us lot could be step in the right direction eh ! Ive only been on here for a few days, its good to see your not the only person suffering. So try and stick with us for a while and see if we can help with anything, cant do any harm eh ! take care x

Wee Lisa
18-09-08, 13:14
Hiya Lisa,
Sounds like your having a tough time of it ! Maybe sharing your troubles and worries on here with us lot could be step in the right direction eh ! Ive only been on here for a few days, its good to see your not the only person suffering. So try and stick with us for a while and see if we can help with anything, cant do any harm eh ! take care x
Thanks Sarah.

I dont even know where to start. My minds just a total whirl, but if i could just pack my bags+bugger off id be quite happy. Unfortunately ive got legal s**t to deal with though..............and i just dont feel strong enough to deal with it now.

Sorry...........im really wound up just now, got no ciggies and aint making a lot of sense even to myself.

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18-09-08, 13:44
Start from the begining if you like, i will listen i try to help you chick ! x