View Full Version : sons ultrasound on Monday, i'm falling apart!

18-09-08, 13:18
Hi, i posted on here a couple of months ago about my 20 month old son having a small lump on his back. He had x-rays about 8 weeks ago which turned out fine, no abnormality or anything. The consultant said that he would refer him for an ultrasound but it would take 6-8 weeks, well thats 8 weeks on Monday and i'm an absolute nervous wreck, i'm really scared that i won't be able to hold myself together. Then there's the waiting for the results, this whole thing has been going on for 3 months now and i'm terrified incase they find out that its a tumour or something. I don't know why they had to take so long, why could they not just have done the scan when we were there 8 weeks ago? He's just a baby, surely they should take priority. I've googled and found soft tissue sarcomas and its all i can think of. I find it so hard to put faith in the doctors. I'm sorry that this post is rambling a bit but i'm just so scared, i've been having really awful thoughts lately that i find hard to control.

18-09-08, 13:24

i don't know what to say really i am sure you will worry till you know nothing is wrong ,maybe take the fact that they are not rushing as a good thing that they don't feel anything serious is wrong hun i have a little girl so i know how you must be thinking and feeling hun .
big:bighug1: to you i am sure all will be ok with your little boy

i will be thinking of you both monday

jodie xx

18-09-08, 14:24
Hello Rainbow,

It must be a really difficult time for you - these things are particularly hard to cope with especially when they concern your own child. We always think the worst, and of course you won't stop worrying until you get the results. I really do think, like Jodie, if the consultant had any worries at all about the lump being serious you wouldn't have been left waiting this long.

All the best - try to hang on to some positive thoughts - the xray was all clear, and the consultant was happy enough to wait for a couple of months before the scan - all this bodes well. :hugs:

18-09-08, 22:29
has the lumnp changed at all? I had two odd lumps when younger - one a fatty kind of cyst and one a bone spur that is still there! You have to hold it together for your son, and to try not to pass on your anxieties to him. I am sure if they were concerned about it being sinister they would have referred it more quickly. hope it goes ok - do let us know.

18-09-08, 22:49
I had a hard lump on my leg when I was younger that turned out to be just abnormal tissue. It's probably common in children as their bodies are always changing and growing.

18-09-08, 23:33
:hugs: for you and your son :hugs: . I am sure he will be fine, all the results you have had have been clear and the docs can't be worried as i am sure they would have seen him sooner.
love anx xx

19-09-08, 10:32
Thank you all for your kind replies, I think the fact that its taken so long for the scan appointment to come through has actually helped me to stay reasonably calm, on the surface anyway! The lump has'nt changed in any way at all and certainly does'nt seem to be bothering my son. The logical part of my brain tells me that if the consultant was concerned then he would have had the scan done as a matter of urgency but the non rational and panicky side of my brain is thinking what if he's not a very competent doctor and has overlooked somehing. I know this way of thinking is very destructive but its so hard to stop these thoughts from entering my mind. I just want it all to be over and for everything to be ok. The thing is it will only be a matter of time until the next huge worry comes along.

19-09-08, 12:20
Thank you all for your kind replies, I think the fact that its taken so long for the scan appointment to come through has actually helped me to stay reasonably calm, on the surface anyway! The lump has'nt changed in any way at all and certainly does'nt seem to be bothering my son. The logical part of my brain tells me that if the consultant was concerned then he would have had the scan done as a matter of urgency but the non rational and panicky side of my brain is thinking what if he's not a very competent doctor and has overlooked somehing. I know this way of thinking is very destructive but its so hard to stop these thoughts from entering my mind. I just want it all to be over and for everything to be ok. The thing is it will only be a matter of time until the next huge worry comes along.

It is as you say if the consultant was concerned they would have seen your son by now. You must calm yourself down otherwise it will start to affect your son as they can pick up these things.

You must be strong for your sons sake I am sure it will turn out to be nothing.

19-09-08, 12:54
I'm pretty certain I and most other parents would be just as worried, and i dont think anyone can reassure you yet. BUT a couple of things would have me feeling a bit positive, and thats the fact they haven't exactly rushed this scan through have they, and it hasn't got any bigger.
Lumps and bumps are petrifying aren't they. My 13 yr old son has a lump just in front of his ear, which he says he told me about over a yr ago, but i seriously dont remember him telling me! I know i would of remembered that. But it doesn't hurt him and he says it hasn't got any bigger, so i dont think its anything serious.
My dog Rosie has a lump on her back, about the size of a marble. Its been there months, i took her to the vet, and the vet wasn't concerned, said it was solid not fluid but gave her anti imflamitries, and said come back if it gets any bigger. It didn't go but it also hasn't got any bigger in the last few months so i have left it alone.
It creeps my son out when he strokes her and feels it, she is long haired so it isn't noticable til she's stroked but it doesn't bother her.
Lumps and bumps are always worrying, but remember they are rarely malignant. When i had a lump in my breast yrs ago, i was worried sick, but my doctor wasn't too worried and the ultrasound scan shows weather its fluid filled or solid, mine was fluid, even though to me it felt solid, and hopefully that will then put your mind at rest.

22-09-08, 12:55
my son had his ultrasound scan this morning, and while i'm feeling a little bit better about things i'm still worried. The doctor said it did'nt look like anything serious but that she'd have to think about it and write up her report to send to the consultant and that it would be up to him if he thought that any more investigations would be necessary. So now i'm scared that they might want to do a MRI scan or a biopsy. I would rather that they just keep an eye on it. My son was distressed at having the scan done as we had to hold him down and he cried and screamed the whole time, it was awful. I asked her if she thought it was a tumour and she said she did'nt think so as if it was it would look nasty. She said its about 1 cm and smooth, sort of disc like. Not too sure if thats a good thing.

The past 3 months have been a complete nightmare, i've only just managed to hold myself together for the sake of my kids. On the surface i seem ok but inside i'm a total wreck. At least i have my first appt through for CBT, i was expecting it to take months as i only saw my GP 2 weeks ago and she referred me. My appointment is for next Wednesday. I'm really hoping this will help me as my quality of life at the moment is extremely poor. I feel like i'm on the edge of a cliff and couls fall off at any moment. Sorry for sounding so dramatic but thats the only way i can describe it.

22-09-08, 13:17
Hi Rainbow,

Glad your Son has now had the scan, at least that bit is over. So sorry you are left with a worry about what they decide to do next. The good news is the doctor didn't think it was anything serious. They can tell so much by the feel of lumps, and I am absolutely sure all the doctors have been more than confident it is fine. I know it is a worry for you and that you won't stop worrying until you see the consultant, but try to hold on to all the positive things that have been said.

Good news your CBT appointment has come through so quickly. I am sure you will find it so helpful. Hugs Rosie x x

22-09-08, 13:28
Being a mum of 2 myself I can totally understand what you are going through. I suffer myself with HA and worry about cancer all the time and then if something is not right with my kids I go into panic mode too.
I am sure its nothing on your son, I have a lump on my back and those fatty lumps are common and won't cause him any harm. Sometimes people at the hospital can make you worse and it seems quite unfair she commented like that.
Just try and keep positive as hard as it is. My daughter had strawberry marks as a baby, one was really big on her back and I used to worry, she still has them faintly but you just want them to be OK, and I am sure your son will be bless him.
take care x

22-09-08, 14:21
Thank you both for your replies, i am feeling a little bit better but until i get told definately that its ok then i will still worry.

Petmad - have you had the lump on your back investigated or does your GP feel sure that it is a lipoma? how large is it and does it move about? sorry about all the questions but i just want to compare.

Really looking forward to my CBT, i want to start living again and enjoying my life instead of being crippled with fear every waking moment.

22-09-08, 14:24
Being a mum of 2 myself I can totally understand what you are going through. I suffer myself with HA and worry about cancer all the time and then if something is not right with my kids I go into panic mode too.
I am sure its nothing on your son, I have a lump on my back and those fatty lumps are common and won't cause him any harm. Sometimes people at the hospital can make you worse and it seems quite unfair she commented like that.
Just try and keep positive as hard as it is. My daughter had strawberry marks as a baby, one was really big on her back and I used to worry, she still has them faintly but you just want them to be OK, and I am sure your son will be bless him.
take care x

My father had a fatty lump on his back for years it grew but never caused him any bother. I nursed someone once many years ago and hers was massive.

22-09-08, 14:30
hi my daughter has a massive fatty lump on her back ,and ive got a lump on my neck we are told they are nothing to worry about, sometimes there just a nuisance cos they are there im sure drs would of said if anything bad hope your little one is ok
