View Full Version : had enough

18-09-08, 15:26
I was hoping today i might feel better than yesterday, but instead i have had just about enough of everything and myself included! I woke feeling really full in my throat and nose. It feels like there is something in my throat i can't swallow, can't even move it though i keep trying all the time, and this thing feels like it streches deep down the throat...And i feel i can't breathe right at all. Like this thing there is kind of sticky and the air is sticking to it :huh:. The whole area just feels heavy and tight, the throat, the upper part of chest, and i can't get over my fear of suffocating. I realise keeping my mouth tense and i am avoiding talking much, because it feels like work and when i feel that i just think maybe i really can't breathe...:weep:
I really am fed up with this...i have felt similar things before and i am still scared out of my mind with it every single time! :weep:

18-09-08, 17:42
Hiya Mila,
You sound like you have got yourself into a right panic over this. Try and take your mind off it for a little while, put some ear phones on and really try hard to just listen to the music, then when you finished you may be surprised at how much you were distracted from thinking about it, it works for me, so just an idea, hope you feel better soon chick ! take care x

milly jones
18-09-08, 18:05
aww hunny

just btry and relax some

how bout a gentle walk or a relaxing bath?

there is a bubble bath thats for children that is sposed to ease blocked noses wonder if that would help ease ur tight chest??

hope u feel better soon hun

milly xxxxxxxxx

18-09-08, 18:46
Aww i know exactly where your coming from i'm suffering with the same thing myself, and its hateful. try taking a decongestant it will help, i have lozenges that give me some relief.

best wishes
di xx

18-09-08, 19:08
Thank you all, i am trying my best to relax and calm down.
Diane, what lozenges are those?
I just can't figure out if it is just anxiety...is my throat sore cause i've been trying to swallow whatever is there all day long and very hard as well or is my throat actually sore a bit and maybe just the chest and breathing feeling is anxiety and do i actually know what is what...i wish i could just not think, let time pass and make me feel better, but it is hard to not be afraid...

18-09-08, 19:31
hi millie

sorry your not having a good time right now i am sure it is your anx making you feel all these symptoms hun

:bighug1: hope you start to feel better soon

jodie xxx

18-09-08, 19:56
Hiya Millie, I agree with the other Milly (!), try and go out for a nice walk followed by a relaxing bath. Try also having a mint and something soothing like hot choc / horlicks. Best of luck and I really hope you feel better soon.

19-09-08, 15:53
Hi, guys, thanks for all your advice and replies. Thanks for taking the time to read...
I have been sucking mints all day yesterday lol I also had a spicy curry thinking it would maybe break up a bit whatever is there if there is anything there lol It didn't really work but it tasted great lol
I am trying to keep myself going today, it is not easy, i am aware i am breathing, but it doesn't feel free, it feels wrong in a way, when trying to open my chest, inside it feels like something is there, all down my throat to my chest, and i ams till constantly trying to swallow the damn thing...

19-09-08, 16:18
Hi Millie
I know how you feel - I think you are in a vicous circle - the more you think about your breathing the worse you imagine it is - have you any hobbies or anything that can distract your thoughts away from this - (apart from eating curries) - try watching the Simpsons - works every time for me
Good Luck - hope you feel better soon

19-09-08, 16:22
Millie, those are exactly the symptoms I have!!!
Feels like something is obstructing my breathing, chest is heavy/tight, etc. It feels like every breath takes an effort and like you might suffocate any minute. Kinda of like breathing through a tiny straw, although I know that enough oxygen is reaching my lungs. A doctor actually checked my O2 levels while I was having one my worst attacks of this and everything was fine. They gave me more oxygen just in case but it actually made me dizzy because I already had plenty of O2 in my blood through my own breathing. :blush:

Sometimes I feel like I have to take deep breaths or yawn, which doesn’t always work, which in turn makes me more anxious. Very difficult to go about your day when you feel like this and it gets worse if I haven't slept well.

It's all anxiety related but this is the symptom I've found most difficult to deal with. Just like all the other symptoms, I try to accept it and give it time. When it starts happening I just try to tell myself that that's not the first time and nothing is going to happen to me.

Everything is fine! Don't let this thing stop you!:)

19-09-08, 16:43
Well, i do have things i like to do normally, but when i feel like this none of them make sense, because i am scared i will suffocate or something terribly wrong is happening to my breathing anyway, and things kind of stop making sense, i feel like there is no point doing anything if u understand what i mean...i don't want to feel like this and i am trying, the thing that can distract me the most i guess is watching a movie or something like that, and i am trying to do that as much as i can, but it is really hard not to notice the feelings i have...

19-09-08, 17:25
That's a part of the trick though, you have to make your self do something anyway and pay as little attention as possible to the symptoms and just accept them.

If you allow yourself to do nothing because of the symptoms and just sit helplessly feeling sorry for yourself it will make things even harder in the long run. I find this extremely hard at times and giving things a rest every once in a while is just about the only thing you could do, but I try not to let this become a habit.

19-09-08, 19:34
Hi Millie
I'm sharing your symptoms today and it's been a REALLY bad day. My tightness roams around my body - sometimes it picks a place and sometimes it's all over. My stomach often feels tight but today it's the turn of my upper chest and throat. Earlier today I had head tension and tmj symptoms.

My brother came round, I had a good cry and a hug and lots of the head tension eased (but my chest has got tighter!). It's all odd but I'm taking this as a sign that this is all anxiety related - I'm starting with a psychotherapist on Monday and hoping that starting to unburden whatever it is that's burdening me will help. We've both got to try not to think about those tight muscles and I'm going to try and headphones/music idea combined with maltesers. Hope your tension is gently easing.


19-09-08, 20:09
HI Sparky, as much as it makes me feel not alone in this, i am sorry u r not feeling well either.. (((((hugs)))))
I had an occasional sneeze today, well 2 all together and maybe once or twice yesterday i had a tickle in the throat that made me wanna cough...hardly a cold isn't it, but still enough for me to question if all i am feeling is anxiety...i know i had all the similar feelings before, but i can't stop worrying over this and each time thinking this time it's something, until i manage to stop being afraid of it so much, it will have this hold on me, i know...my biggest problem is that thought, what if it is something this time and i am just trying to ignore it...but i also can't go to the doctor again, i have been millions of times for this and there was never anything, i don't even feel like seeing a doctor right now...

19-09-08, 20:28
Hey Millie

I had a blood test on Weds and today the area where they took the blood was a bit itchy for a minute or so and it was enough to make me think 'blood poisoing' and then I started to get that anxiety feeling, growing and growing. But then I think how many health worries I've had and I KNOW in my heart of hearts they're nothing and I focused on that to try and stop that growing anxiety.

I just start listening to the wrong voices (not actual voices, haven't reached that stage yet) and out of control it goes. I know it's tough but the only way we can change it is to let these feelings come....and go. It's horrible but what feels like it's out of our control is actually in our control if we can learn how to sort of flick a switch and...er... control it (if that makes any sense!!!)

Hugs back

19-09-08, 22:16
Lol it does make sense S, i have been trying to figure out how flick that switch, i know how the way i think is so wrong...And about the voices, i know what u mean, not the actual voices, but ur own voice in ur head, ur thoughts. Instead of me being in control of the thoughts, the thoughts are in control of me.

I don't feel defeated with it all the time, and most of the symptoms i get can deal with after a little while, i get scared at first, but i manage after that, but with this, god knows, this breathing issue has so much power over me, even if it start feeling better, i can't get it off my mind that it may come back, and maybe with a vengance...and i feel my heart sink in my chest with despair. And i am defeated by it. I tell myself, i have to be strong, i can do this, i can learn to "float" but i think i constantly fail with acceptance part ( C.Weakes readers will know). How can i hope for acceptance when i still have the thought that maybe i should visit the doctor one more time at the back of my head - the little voice...)

19-09-08, 23:07
Hope you are feeling better, sweetie. I used to have horrible problems with my throat. It felt so small and closed off. Everytime I ate I would choke something fierce and end up throwing up just to free my esophgus(?). It finally stopped when I left my husband and the horrible stress he was putting me threw. It was the anxiety driving my body crazy. My mom said she had the same thing when she would get stressed. I hope you find relief and don't worry.