View Full Version : Omeprazole update

18-09-08, 17:58

Thanks to all who replied yesterday.
Last night I went on to a patients forum site for omeprazole and lots of people had wrote in with different side effects including light headedness and dizzyness so this made me feel a bit better. Anyway, also amongst the side effects were a lot on how the drug can worsen anxiety, people felt very shakey and on edge.
I took my usual tablet this morning just to see if I had the same symptoms and to be honest, I wish I had'nt. Late morning I began to feel really odd - again, light headed and dizzy and it was as if my head was filled with cotton wool. Also felt queasy and quite unreal.
Needless to say, I will not take any more and I will go back onto the ranitadine. Due to see doc next week, so will discuss.
I know many people on here have sung the praises of omeprazole, it obviously was'nt for me.

19-09-08, 09:01
I am taking this too and have been feeling dizzy and sick, its not working either which is making my anxiety worse as I am worried what else it could be if it is not acid reflux. Hope you get on ok at docs next weekxx