View Full Version : OMG!!

18-09-08, 18:05
As part of me fighting to get better i started to apply for jobs not thinking anything about it. I ended up getting an interview and went to it today. I got a phone call this afternoon offering the job! Ive accepted it and was really happy at first crying and everything this is such a step forward for me, but now as usual the anxietys creeping in i just hope when it comes to the first day i end up going :shrug:

milly jones
18-09-08, 18:20
well how brill is it that u went thru the interview and got the job

thjis needs to be in the successes threads hunny

u will go to the first day and whats more ull feel so fantastic beating ur fears


milly xx

18-09-08, 18:43
Hi Sonya :D:hugs:

OHHH the best person GOT THE JOB, WELL DONE :yesyes:

Hunny, now is the time to go to town on your thoughts, why did you get the job, because its YOU they want, YOU WILL BE GREAT AT IT. I am better and I CAN DO THIS, I CAN, Blow your own trumpet so to speak, hehe, I am getting good at doing this LOL

Please hun, YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS, you WILL be just fine and when you come home after a hard days work, ohhhh boy, HOW GOOD its that going to feel :yesyes:

Hugs to you hun :bighug1:


18-09-08, 18:55

Feel very pleased with yourself with the competition for all jobs out there, you have done very well in getting one. Top marks!

Granny Primark
18-09-08, 19:11
What brill news!
Dont put yourself down, im sure that you will do brill.
WELL DONE!:yesyes:

18-09-08, 19:57
hi sonya, im new, but just wanted to say well done!!
i too just got a job this week and have to start on monday and am going thru the same excitement as you but also have the niggling feeling "will i actually end up going", will i panic half way there, will i panic while im there, the usual for me!

i found it really hard even getting to the interview, but do you know what, we WILL do it, we are STRONG enough and are moving on with our lives, so please just try to look at the good points, and get all those negatives thoughts out your mind, well done!xx

18-09-08, 22:12
Hiya Sonya, well done!

Just gonna say the same thing happened to me recently, I ended up getting so worried on the morning that I got my nan to phone in and tell them that I couldn't do it. Luckily they persuaded me otherwise and I'm so glad they did because I really like my job now! It's a lot of fun and with any luck yours will be too!

Good luck!

18-09-08, 23:02
Congratulations :) Try not to think negative about your first day, its natural to feel a bit nervous though as it is when you first go to school ect. In my eyes you have done the hardest part going to the interview and performing so well that they offered you a job :)

Best of luck to you :)


18-09-08, 23:36
Wow! That is wonderful news - congratulations!!!!

I think it is perfectly normal to be apprehensive before starting a new job - whether you have an anxiety/panic disorder, or not!

But, you have got through one of the most stressful stages with flying colours, and you will get through the first day, the second day etc at work fine too and your confidence will only continue to increase.

Well done again!!!!!!

19-09-08, 05:10
Thanks for your replies everyone! As usual im sat wide awake in the early hours but not panicking tonight just a nice feeling that ive achieved something. I am going to make myself go to this job and take a big bottle of bach rescue remedie even though i might not need it :)

Laura good luck for your job on monday im sure you will be fine xx

20-09-08, 15:42
Hi Sonya:D

I was much like you and I started a new job 8 weeks ago:D

Now I cant imagine not doing it!!!!

You will be fine......go get em:yesyes:

Kaz x:hugs: