View Full Version : Afraid I have ovarian cancer - new member

18-09-08, 18:45
I'm 48 years old and have had severe health anxiety since I was 12. Currently, I'm worried about ovarian cancer. I have achiness in my lower abs and back that goes down my legs, in addition to frequent urination. The pain feels like a combo. of back pain, menstrual pain and bladder pain, and all I can think is that it's my ovaries. It's been going on for about a week. The frequent, urgent urination has been going on for some time but seems to be getting worse. I'm so afraid that I have ovarian cancer. Does anyone have any experience with this or advice that they could offer?

18-09-08, 20:09
Hello MaryAT,

I am sorry you are suffering at the moment. I know how i am with health anxiety, and once I get a thought in my head it is almost impossible to shift. The symptoms you describe could be related to so many other things - the first thing that came to my mind was perhaps a bladder infection. Anxiety definitely heightens all our physical senses, and I expect a part of this may be making you want to urinate more often - I know I have experienced this.

Ovarian cancer isn't very common, I know that probably won't allay your fear. Urine infections are very common, especially with the symptoms you have described. I think it would be wise to see your doctor, so he can take a urine sample - and I hope at the same time you will be able to tell him about your fear and he will be able to give you some reassurance. I do feel for you because I know how awful this health anxiety is. I hope this has helped you a little.

18-09-08, 21:11
Hi maryat, sounds an awful lot more like a bladder or urinary tract infection than anything else. UTI is very common and can cause all of the symptoms you describe - lower back and abs pain, leg pain, frequent urgent urination etc. Ovarian problems that might cause these types of symptoms are much, much less common. As rosie says, a visit to your doctor is the best thing to do, and try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know). You'll be fine :flowers:

18-09-08, 22:27
I went to my docs recently with exactly the same symptoms - to the T! He prescribed a urine infection, possibly kidney and gave me some antibiotics. The frequent weeing has stopped, as has some of the achiness. I then went back to him after the weekend and said 'I'm worried it's OC!' He was very sympathetic (although a little cross with my 'friend' who suggested it) and did an internal exam - no odd lumps or swellings. He has also referred me for an internal ultrasound of my womb and ovaries to reassure me. it's very painless and does set your mind at ease. go to docs - if it is wee infection, antibiotics will clear it up quickly. I do still ache a lot in my ovarian area, though - I think whether my intestines kind of irritate them as they all lie close together, or whether some band of muscle lies over the top of them - as I tense and relax it all the time, I think it might be aching rather than the ovaries. hope this helps, but you are right to go and get it checked.

22-09-08, 22:23

I have the same symptoms of aching lowe back and hip and radiating into my leg, and the more anxious I feel, the worse it is. I haven't yet found out what it is, but it's not my ovaries as they looked normal on the ultrasound.
Just wanted to remind you that frequent urination (without pain and/or blood) is a common symptom of anxiety, I caused it to myself last year when I was freaking out about bladder cancer.
So before you panic, consider this... of course I'm no doctor but last year when I went through that fear I needed to pee like 20 times a day, I actually counted.

01-10-08, 00:05
I had to join just to tell you this
Im 18 years old and i have been experiencing these symptoms, near enough exactly as you described off and on for about 4 or 5 months.
Now its common sense to most people that Ovarian cancer is almost unheard of in someone who has just turned 18, however...ive been suffering from very acute health anxiety ever since i remember...and im convinced i have it.
My symptoms, like i said...come and go. they seem to get worse when i think about them and is generally only on my right side. I have been examined twice and had a thorough blood test, im perfecty normal so far!
With me, it could be something more minor to do with my ovaries due to how long ive had it i guess! Saying that im going through a great deal of stress right now...and i get so irrational. It does weird things to me.

Also, i have had a Urinary tract infection before...its a similar feeling! if its only been going on a week see your doctor would be my advice they only gave me antibiotics.

Yknow...I thought i was the only one. Its just shown me that your mind can play horrible tricks on you, even someone my age who should be relatively care free.

Good luck with everything, im sure you'll be fine!