View Full Version : Having a really bad night :(

18-09-08, 19:42
Heya, i am really struggling to believe that the symptoms i have are anxiety or acid reflux. I have been ok for the past few days as i saw the doc on Monday and he again said its acid reflux. I have such a heavy chest that comes on when i leave work it feels like some one is pressing on my throat and my chest and my throat feels so weird like its prickly and causing me to cough. I am sat here on my own at the moment crying and really struggling with this crippling fear that i have cancer. How much do you have to worry about things before you start feeling the effects of anxiety?


18-09-08, 20:02
Hi Tash,

So sorry you're feeling that way. If your doc has said it's acid reflux, than no doubt that's what it's really is but your anxiety could be making the symptoms a lot worse. Try and take your mind off it, have a bath, walk, play a game :) I'm sure there's nothing seriously wrong. Best of luck.

18-09-08, 20:02
Hi Tash,

So sorry to hear you are having a bad time to night, I too have major anxiety and acid reflux (mainly brought on through anxiety) The chest and throat sensations too are very familiar as well. I went to the dr's today as I started taking omeprazol for the acid a week ago and it really has helped, today I got him to check my heart for the hundreth time and even listened to it myself because I always think I am going to have a heart attack.
The throat thing is a really common side of anxiety, I have found that out just be reading the posts on this site and truely believe that is what is going on, but I do understand what it is like when you get a belief in your head, the thought just keep turning over and over again.
If it would make you feel better go back to the doc's, thats what they are there for and get him to have a really thorough look at you just to ease your anxiety.
For now maybe try and distract yourself (I know easier said than done!), give a friend a call and tell them your worries or stick a crappy movie on, don't be on your own, it gives you too much opportunity to think.

I will be thinking about you and if want to message me anytime please do.

Take Care

Rebecca xx

22-09-08, 13:19
Hi Tash,
I wonder if what you are feeling is even acid reflux - it could well be *just* anxiety. I have the exact same thing with my throat, and so I did a search on this site and it seems it pops up quite a lot: the feeling in your throat like you need to cough. Some describe it as a tickle, some as a sort of nervous tight feeling, some as just a need-to-cough sensation. Reading all that comforted me loads because I, like you, was terrified it was lung cancer. The heavy chest is also typical anxiety.
Do you find that when you are relaxed that it goes away? If I wake at night, for example, and before I remember my worries, the sensation is not there.
Hope you feel better soon. Feel free to PM if you fancy, for a general moan about our paranoias!!xx

23-09-08, 21:25
Hi Tash
I too have lots of acid reflux and heavy feeling in throat. Waiting on an ultrasound of tummy and liver as /i have had deranged liver function tests. Today very hot and an numb feeling down one side. Try to convince myself it is just anxiety but its not easy. Take care

24-09-08, 08:17
Oh Poor you Tash. I know we have been struggling on together with similar symptoms, it is really hard to tell yourself its just anxiety. I would keep going back to you doc until you are happy. Why not ask to be referred, I am next time I go, I have had enough now. Lots of love to you and your bumpxxx

24-09-08, 13:13
Thank you for all your responses, its so difficult to believe its anxiety but i really want too. I think about it every second of every day and i am not exagerating i just want my life back. i have booked a docs appointment for Tuesday next week with my the lovely doctor who is trying to keep my off medication whilst i am pregnant he is the only one who doesnt think im crazy. i need to get some help as i really cant cope with these thoughts, add on the fact that i am moving house at the weekend and pregnancy complications i am a wreck
